Dam Street

1h 33m 2005

Brief Synopsis

A clumsy teenaged love affair gets Yun pregnant at the age of sixteen, and what at first is only a nuisance that she can't get rid of soon becomes a mortal sin hushed away. Yun has violated China's rigid morals and stigmatized herself for life. Away from prying doctors' eyes, her mother induces labo

Film Details

Also Known As
Hong Yan
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
First Run Features; First Run Features Home Video; Suraya

Technical Specs

1h 33m


A clumsy teenaged love affair gets Yun pregnant at the age of sixteen, and what at first is only a nuisance that she can't get rid of soon becomes a mortal sin hushed away. Yun has violated China's rigid morals and stigmatized herself for life. Away from prying doctors' eyes, her mother induces labour and takes care of the shameful secret. At twenty-six, Yun is trained as a beautiful Sichuan Opera performer, but resigned to singing in a crass local musical troupe. Her pregnancy is apparently forgotten, but she is still an object of scrutiny, an errant element in a perfectly constructed society and the target of derision for the people in her town. The men she has to please and entertain are abusive and manipulative, but then she meets ten-year-old Xiao-yong, one of her mother's students, who is precociously interested in protecting her. There is a strange emotion he feels but can't articulate. One more mature would call it "love".

Film Details

Also Known As
Hong Yan
MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
First Run Features; First Run Features Home Video; Suraya

Technical Specs

1h 33m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States 2006

Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008

Released in United States September 2005

Released in United States Winter January 17, 2007

Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival (Time and Tide) January 25-February 5, 2006.

Shown at Toronto International Film Festival (Discovery) September 8-17, 2005.

Released in United States 2006 (Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival (Time and Tide) January 25-February 5, 2006.)

Released in United States Winter January 17, 2007

Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008

Released in United States September 2005 (Shown at Toronto International Film Festival (Discovery) September 8-17, 2005.)