An American Haunting
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Courtney Solomon
Rachel Hurd-wood
James D'arcy
Sissy Spacek
Donald Sutherland
Matthew Marsh
Film Details
Technical Specs
Based on a true state-documented case that took place during the 1800s. Between the years 1818-1820, the Bell family of Red River, Tennessee was visited by an unknown presence that haunted the family and eventually caused the death of one of its members. What started as small sounds around the farm and the sighting of a black, yellow-eyed wolf escalated into physical brutality against certain family members and general psychological and physical torment. The attacks grew in strength, with the spirit slapping, pulling, dragging, and even beating the Bells' youngest daughter. Though no being could be seen, its effects were evident. It began to communicate with the family aurally, eventually through multiple voices that sounded like the wind. One message it communicated was a promise that one day it would kill one of the family members. The Bells searched for rational explanations and ways to rid their house of the evil chimera, but its presence persisted. Fearing that the haunting was caused by a local woman who had been branded a witch, the Bells tried desperately to find ways of undoing what they thought to be the woman's curse, presumably placed upon the family in retaliation for a land dispute. Despite their efforts the attacks escalated. It was not until a manuscript of the local schoolteacher, who lived on the property during the disturbance, was found in 1998 that the horrifying and shocking answer to what caused this haunting would finally be unveiled.
Courtney Solomon
Rachel Hurd-wood
James D'arcy

Sissy Spacek

Donald Sutherland
Matthew Marsh
Thom Fell
Sam Alexander
Miguel Brown
Shauna Shim
Vernon Dobtcheff
Madalina Stan
Philip Hurdwood
Vlad Cruceru
Alin Rosca
Andrei Serban
Isabelle Almgren-doré
Susan Almgren
Howard Rosenstein
Lila Bata-walsh
Courtney Solomon
Susie Almgren
Andrei Alexandru
Francois Allard
Nick Allder
Simon Allmark
Eugenio Alonso Yenes
Kris Anderson
Octavian Andreescu
Teodor Andreescu
Teodor Andreescu
Adina Andrei
Dana Andreianu
Angelo Anghelescu
Gheorghe Anton
Catalin Arsenie
Derrick Ashfield
John Attard
Liviu Balea
Iona Barba
Catalin Barbor
Andra Barbuica
Cristian Barzoi
Klemens Becker
Bogdan Becleanu
Caroline Beliveau
Cristina Benu
Cristi Berbec
Francis Bernard
Mathieu Berube
Therese Berube
Adi Bichin
Sorin Biclineru
Adam Biddle
Adrian Biddle
Caroline Bisson
Pierre Blain
Claudiu Boboc
Alexandru Bobocel
Nathalie Boileau
Andrei Boncea
Camelia Borcan
Michel Bordeleau
Martin Bouchard
Pierre Bouchard
Harry Boxell
David Broadfoot
Gavain Browne
Mihai Burtan
Nathalie Brigitte Bustos
Dana Campbell
Claudine Carpentier
Simon Carr
Yannick Carrier
Steve Casey
Fraser Milner Casgrain
Daniel Cesar
Suzanne Chan
Pierre Chaput
Cristina Chilu
Gheorghe Chitu
Mario Choquette
Adam Christopher
Daniel Ciobanu
Alex Ciocan
Dana Cioplea
Domnica Circiumaru
Adrian Codoi
Ruxandra Colceag
Tom Collier
Richard Collis
Pascal Colpron
Richard Comeau
Ruxandra Comsa
Costel Constantin
Ioana Corciova
Raul Cosma
Mariana Cosner
Paul Cotterell
Daniel Coturbas
Pascal Courchesne
Jules Couturier
Andrei Cretan
Ingrid Cristea
Ricardo Cruz
Marc Cunnigham
Neil Cunningham
Peter Cvijanovic
Andreea Dardea
Caine Davidson
John Davies
Gary Davy
Kevin Day
Jerome Decarie
Mathieu Decary
Marc Decloquement
Francis Delia
Kelly Dent
Marinel Dicu
Carmen Dima
Nicolae Dima
Petricia Dinu
Robert Ditchburn
Viorel Dobrescu
Cristi Dobrica
Elena Dodite
Mark Dollery
Ed Douglas
Ed Douglas
Elena Dragomir
Ion Dragomir
Niculae Dragomir
Victoria Dragomir
Dumitru Dragut
Andrew Dudman
Denys Dufresne
Andrei Dumitru
Constantin Dumitru
Costica Dumitru
Joel Dumoulin
Bertrand Dupuis
Steven Edwicker
Ricky Farns
Lucie Fernandes
Johnny Feurer
Paul Fister
Natalie Fleurant
Anick Fleury
Corneliu Florea
Ion Florin
Marie-neige Forget
Will Foxwell
Allessandro Fracasi
Simon Frame
Simon Franks
Mirela Fraser
Dave Freeth
Florin Fugaciu
Darren Fung
Antoine Gagne
Marc Gagnon
Nicholas Gagnon
Christopher Gallagher
Shaun Nicolas Gallagher
Massimo Gallizzi
Joel Gariepy
Pat Garrett
Francois Gascon
Radu George
Andrei Gheorghe
Tose Gheorghe
Cristu Viorel Ghigiu
George Ghiorghion
Alex Ghitulescu
François Girard
Carmila Gittens
Rejean Goderre
Scott Goulding
Gabi Gradinaru
Maria Gradinaru
Marie-pierre Grenier
Isobel Griffiths
Manuela Groscu
Benoit Groulx
Stefanie Guadagnino
Laurent Alexis Guertin
Theodor Halacu Nicon
Marian Haliu
Nicky Hamilton
Katja Hollman
Zoltan Horkai
Phil Howarth
George Hryszyn
Daniel Huysmans
Catalin Iacob
Ionel Iacov
Teodor Iacov
Marian Iancu
Georgica Ilie
Mihai Ilie
Adrian Ion
Viorel Ion
Andreea Ionescu
Sebastian Ionescu
Florin Viorel Ionita
Vasile Ispas
Adriana Itu
Peter Ivanyi
Sebastien Jacob
Gabriella Jacobs
Humphrey Jaeger
Rhodri James
Rejean Juteau
Zygi Kamasa
Matthew Kuipers
Max Kuipers
Pierre Laberge
Philippe Langlois
Pierre Laroche
Isaac Layish
Florin Leau
Pier Lefebvre
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring May 5, 2006
Released in United States on Video October 24, 2006
Released in United States November 2005
Based on the book "The Bell Witch: An American Haunting" written by Brent Monahan; published by St. Martin's Press March 1, 1997.
Literary Sale Date 05/16/2002
Released in United States Spring May 5, 2006
Released in United States on Video October 24, 2006
Released in United States November 2005 (Shown at AFI/Los Angeles International Film Festival (American Directions) November 3-13, 2005.)