The Good German
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Steven Soderbergh
Cate Blanchett
John Roeder
Beau Bridges
Don Pugsley
Jack Thompson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Berlin, 1945. U.S. war correspondent Jake Geismer has just arrived to cover the upcoming Potsdam Peace Conference, where Allied leaders will meet to determine the fate of a vanquished Germany and a newly liberated Europe--and, in the process, carve up what's left of any value for themselves. It's not Jake's first visit to Berlin. He once managed a news bureau here. He once fell in love here. But that seems a lifetime ago as he takes in the staggering devastation on the jeep ride from the airport to his hotel in the American zone. Jake's driver, Corporal Tully, exudes small-town American charm--an eager, guileless, good-natured kid from the Midwest. In reality, he's corrupt to the core, bartering anything and anyone, and playing all sides for the highest price. But that's not unusual. Everyone in Berlin has a secret now. Everyone is working an angle to get what they need: money, power, survival--or just a way out. Tully's black market dealings don't interest Jake, but Tully's girlfriend does. She's Lena Brandt, Jake's former love, although somehow, now, not quite the person he once knew. She has been irrevocably changed by the war, the hardship of life in this ruined city and the burden of her own secrets. When Tully ends up in the Russian zone with 100,000 marks in his pocket and a bullet in his back, Jake finds himself drawn into the mystery of this murder, and the bigger mystery of why both the American and Russian authorities look the other way. The deeper his investigation takes him, the more it leads him back to Lena. Jake discovers that it is nearly impossible to unearth the truth in a time and place where people are still reeling from the horrors of the war and desperate to salvage their humanity in the shadow of the often unbearable knowledge of what they did to survive.

Steven Soderbergh

Cate Blanchett
John Roeder

Beau Bridges
Don Pugsley
Jack Thompson
Dean Misch
Ravil Isyanov
Tom Cummins

George Clooney
Boris Kievsky
Christian Oliver
Igor Korosec
Leland Orser
Brandon Keener
Tobey Maguire
Dave Power
Aleksandr Sountsov
Dominic Comperatore
Gianfranco L'amore Tordi
David Willis
Robin Weigert
Vladimir Kulikov
Scott A. Bobbitt
Tony Curran
Justin Misch
Yevgeniy Narovlyanskiy
J Paul Boehmer
Matt Absher
Daniel Addelson
Tom Altobello
Richard Andrade
Frida Aradottir
Paul Attanasio
Brian Edward Avery
Joni Avery
Joseph Ayer
Russell Ayer
Mir Bahmanyar
Christopher Scott Baker
Dana Baker
Kent Baker
Matt Baker
Adam Barker
Ron Barr
Trey Batchelor
Chris Bateman
Rita Bellissimo
Shandra Beri
Bill Bernstein
Erik Bernstein
David Betancourt
Ali Blacker
Larry Blake
Luciano Blotta
Travis Bobbitt
Michael Bomar
Steve Borgese
Johnny Britt
Melissa Brockman Kalmus
Jeff Brockton
Jodi Brockton
Frederic W. Brost
Frederic W. Brost
Glenn Brown
Hal Burton
Joanna Bush
Josh Carlock
Pat Carmen
Doreen L Carpenter
Jon Carpenter
Michael Carroll
Chad Cleven
Eliza Coleman
Ben Cosgrove
Danny Coughlin
Tom Cummins
David D Darling
Tom Daws
Monica De Armond Borde
Monica De Armond Borde
R Michael De Chellis
Ryan P Dreyer
Justin Duncan
Laura Dunlop
David B Ellis
Bob Ellsworth
Dawn Fintor
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Blair Foord
Lynda Foote
Gerard Forrest
Louise Frogley
Steve Frohardt
Mickey Giacomazzi
Hank Giardina
Wiliam W. Gideon
Bill Gilman
Chrissy Gilmartin
Lynn Givens
Bernard Glavin
Dave Glavin
Diane Glavin
Raymond Gonzales
Dara Gordon
Melinda Sue Gordon
William Grace
Sean Graham
Wylie Young Griffin
Manuela Hahnlein
Werner Hahnlein
Quentin Halliday
Kevin Hannigan
Tabby Hanson
Rick Harris
Jim Hart
Marina Hart
Gene Hartline
Zoe Hay
Greg Hayes
Monica Haynes
Julie Hewett
Heather Elisa Hill
Jason Hinkel
Dick Howard
Gregory Jacobs
Gregory Jacobs
Fallon Johnson
Randy Johnson
Tom Jordan
Alexander Kandaurov
Joseph Kanon
Jemma Kearney
Kate Kelly
Rich King
David Kirchner
Helen Kozora-tell
Julie Kristy
Bud Kucia
Michael Lacorte
Mary Etta Lang
Tim Lauber
Ken Lavet
William Law Iii
Robin L. Le Chanu
Jonathan Leary
Paul Ledford
Dan Levitan
Ross Levy
Keri Littledeer
Scott Lodwig
Cris Lombardi
Kimaree Long
Jessica Lowrey
Sonya Lunsford
Larry Mah
William Marsh
Ted Marshall
Lynne Martin
Dennis Mccarthy
Merdyce C. Mcclaran
Angel Mcconnell
Niles Mcelroy
Jen Mcgowan
Maureen Mcguire
Doug Meerdink
Steven Meizler
Kristen Toscano Messina
Philip Messina
Emanuel Millar
Robin L Miller
Erich Mingenbach
John Moio
Jason Moore
John Moore
David Moreau
Russ Morgan
Guy Morrison
Eric Nelson
Thomas Newman
Eric Norris
Erik Norville
Carrick O'quinn
Gregory Oehler
Vladimir Orlov
Michael P Owen
James Paniagua
Thomas Pasatieri
James Plannette
Kate Powell
Kenn Rabin
Eric Ramirez
Jeff Ramsey
Garet Reilly
David Rey
Jeremy Rich
Dennis Richardson
Chance Robertson
John Robotham
Jason Rodriguez
Arturo Rojas
Heidi Roller
Chris Ross
Michael D. Roundy
Neil Rust
Chris Ryan
Eric Sagot
Waldo Sanchez
Richard Sarabia
Gregg Schaublin
Mike Seaman
Joanie Selden
Robert Sica
Kenn Smiley
Easton Smith
Thomas J Smith
Bryan Snodgrass
Chris Snyder
Dale Snyder
Steven Soderbergh
Steven Soderbergh
Reese James Spensley
Jody Spilkoman
Melissa St. Onge
Richard Stanford
Ryan Steffen
Armin Steiner
James L. Stephenson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Score
Miscellaneous Notes
Expanded Release in United States December 22, 2006
Released in United States February 2007
Released in United States on Video May 22, 2007
Released in United States Winter December 15, 2006
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Competition) February 8-18, 2007.
Based on the novel "The Good German: A Novel" written by Joseph Kanon; published by Henry Holt & Company Inc. October, 2001.
Released in United States February 2007 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Competition) February 8-18, 2007.)
Released in United States on Video May 22, 2007
Released in United States Winter December 15, 2006 (major markets)
Expanded Release in United States December 22, 2006