The Prestige
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Christopher Nolan
Ricky Jay
Scarlett Johansson
Zoe Merg
Julie Sanford
John Crye
Film Details
Technical Specs
It all begins in rapidly changing, turn-of-the-century London. At a time when magicians are idols and celebrities of the highest order, two young magicians set out to carve their own paths to fame. The flashy, sophisticated Robert Angier is a consummate entertainer, while the rough-edged purist Alfred Borden is a creative genius who lacks the panache to showcase his magical ideas. They start out as admiring friends and partners. But when their biggest trick goes terribly awry, they become enemies for life--each intent on outdoing and upending the other. Trick by trick, show by show, their ferocious competition builds until it knows no bounds, even utilizing the fantastical new powers of electricity and the scientific brilliance of radical inventor Nikola Tesla-while the lives of everyone around them hang in the balance.

Christopher Nolan
Ricky Jay

Scarlett Johansson
Zoe Merg
Julie Sanford
John Crye
Christopher Neame
James Otis
Morgan Sheppard
Jim Piddock
Jodi Bianca Wise
Christopher Judges
Kevin Will

Andy Serkis
Gregory Humphreys
Ezra Buzzington
J Paul Moore
Edward Hibbert
Roger Rees
Rebecca Hall

David Bowie
Christian Bale
Ron Perkins
Robert Arbogast
Scott Davis
Olivia Merg
Chao Li Chi
Sean Francis Howse

Michael Caine
R Scott Duran
Daniel Davis
Hugh Jackman
Christopher Cleveland
Nikki Glick
Monty Stuart
Sam Menning
Enn Reitel
James Lancaster
Mark Ryan
Samantha Mahurin
Johnny Liska
Anthony Demarco
Russ Fega
Clive Kennedy
Brian Tahash
Jamie Harris
Piper Perabo
Janice Alexander
Antonio Almaraz
Florent Andorra
Karen Asano-myers
Joni Avery
Mikey Avery
Rick Avery
E Baga
E Baga
Terry Baliel
Chris J. Ball
Bob Barratt
John R Bayless
Jon Bayless
Jessica Bender
Joan Bergin
Shandra Beri
Paul Berolzheimer
Hans Bjerno
David Blitstein
Andrew Bock
David Bowie
Jesse Don Brackenbury
Allan Bragg
Scott Buckwald
Florent Cadel
Giacun Caduff
Rick Canelli
Cristen Carr Strubbe
Jeffrey Caruso
Leo C Castellano
Stephane Ceretti
Frederic Chopin
Erin Cipolletti
Jennifer Clark
Clayton Cogswell
Jesse Cole
Jareth Costello
Kim Crabb
Jennifer Cram
Nathan Crowley
Tom Cummins
Alan B. Curtiss
Mike Cussack
Carrie Dacre
Jeanie Daniels
W. Davies
Scott Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Valerie Dean
Robin Deledicque
Jose Deleon
Jim Dirker
Francois Duhamel
Olivier Dumont
Colin Dunning
Gregg Edler
Stephen Edwards
Stephen Edwards
Laurens Ehrmann
Rod Farley
Russ Fega
Craig Fikse
Jared Fleury
Christopher Flick
Linda Folk
Beau Foster
Vanessa Fourgeaud
Meghan Fraser
Colin Frechter
Karen M. Fuchs
Maggie Fung
Ray Garcia
Antonio Garrido
Tony Gaudioz
Steven R. Gehrke
Cory Geryak
Alex Gibson
Megan Godfrey
Jordan Goldberg
Eric Gotthelf
Roxana Griffin
Monica Haines
Bob Hall
Tom Hardisty
Barbara Harris
Kimberly Harris
Charles Harrison
Steve Hart
Susan Hegarty
Phil Helman
Gregory D Hemstreet
Jose Hernandez
Michael Herron
Lora Hirschberg
David Hoskins
David Hugghins
Michael Hugghins
Henry Humphreys
Andrew Jablonski
Ricky Jay
Marci R Johnson
Pops Johnson
David Julyan
Kevin Kavanaugh
Teresa Kelly
Capella Kincheloe
Rich King
Richard King
Richard King
Nancy Kirhoffer
Joanne Kissack
Jonathan Klein
Peter Krouse
April Krueger
Jeanne Kukor
Paul Lacovara
Mary Jo Lang
Nick Leclaire
John Lee
William D Lee
Parker D Lemire
Jimmy W Lindsey
Mark Lucero
Mike Maccuish
Brian Machleit
Rick Marcus
Jerry L. Marshall
Naaman Marshall
Robert Q Mathews
Rob Mccabe
Dennis Mccarthy
Daniel C. Mcfadden
Charles H Mcintyre
Alan Meyerson
Alan Meyerson
Scott Michels
Michael W. Mitchell
Alyson Moore
Benjamin T Morehead
Scott Morgan
Guy Morrison
Eddy Moussa
Kenny Myers
Blake Neely
Keith Nichols
M Michele Nishikawa
Dana Niu
Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan
Jonathan Nolan
Ed Novick
Thomas J. O'connell
Julie Ochipinti
Craig Okeson
Joseph Ondrejko
David Orr
Laurent Panissier
John Papsidera
Anthony Penido
Kurt Peterson
Wally Pfister
Blake Pike
Cathy Pittman
Jess Platt
Donna Marcione Pollack
Christopher Priest
Clement Rambach
Toni Reed
Laura Rindner
Gary A. Rizzo
Peter Robb-king
Chef Robert
Lawra Robertson
John Roesch
Lee Roeser
Scott Wesley Ross
Peter Rotter
Aaron Ryder
Michel Samreth
Josh Scheer
Peter Scheer
Charles J.d. Schlissel
Michelle Schrauwers
Phil Shanahan
Scott Shapiro
Cheryl Shawver
Christopher Sidor
David L Simmons
Janek Sirrs
Cricket Sloat
Kenn Smiley
Cody M Smith
Jimmy Smith
Lee Smith
Mary Beth Smith
Phil Smith
Jody Spilkoman
Beatrice Springborn
Cy Roscoe Strickland
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Set Decoration
Best Cinematography
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 20, 2006
Limited Release in United States October 20, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 20, 2007
Released in United States October 2006
Shown at Rome Film Festival (Premiere) October 13-21, 2006.
Based on the novel "The Prestige" written by Christopher Priest; published by St Martins October, 1996.
Literary Sale Date 04/17/2003
Released in United States Fall October 20, 2006
Limited Release in United States October 20, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 20, 2007
Released in United States October 2006 (Shown at Rome Film Festival (Premiere) October 13-21, 2006.)
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.