The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Errol Flynn
Errol Flynn
Victor Pahlen
Victor Pahlen
Film Details
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In an office setting, American actor Errol Flynn advocates the political aims of Cuba's new leader, Fidel Castro. After explaining that he traveled over 1,000 kilometers, from Havana to Santiago, to meet Castro in person, Flynn narrates over silent documentary footage: Fulgencio Batista, who overtook the Cuban government by means of a coup, participates in a military parade as a show of force. The parade is followed by scenes of Batista greeting American tourists at the presidential palace. In Havana, Flynn visits the Casino de Capri, the opulence of which is contrasted with the poverty-stricken countryside. Batista's dictatorship is protested by various acts of sabotage, including the explosion of city buildings. This increases police brutality and indiscriminate arrests. The political movement known as 26th of July is born on that date in 1953 when rebel political leaders, including Castro, attack Batista's Moncada military barracks. The results of the attacks and the police response is shown in footage of the rebels' mutilated bodies. After briefly returning to scenes of Batista's parade ground, student protesters, including a rebel leader named Echevarria, are shown, followed by a shot of Castro, after his release from serving a two year prison term for organizing the Moncada attack. Further evidence of police brutality is demonstrated as protesters are shot and killed, or wounded, in the streets of Havana. The rebel cause strengthens after Castro returns from exile in Mexico with eighty-one followers. Assaults against the military infrastructure include the destruction of the airport, electrical plants and other government sites. Castro and his surviving fighters then hike into the Sierra Maestra mountains to build their forces and keep Batista's army at bay. It is there that Flynn meets with Castro, as documented in several still photographs, and is presented with a scarf by a female rebel fighter. The aftermath of Batista's assault on the village of Santa Clara, bombed to prevent the advance of Castro's army, is depicted, followed by scenes of the surviving villagers' warm welcome of Castro's forces, revolutionary leader Che Guevara, and executions of Batista's informants. Batista later publicly transfers military power to General Cantillo. Ultimately, the national army is forced to surrender to Castro's rebel forces. Rioting and celebration follows this event, including the ransacking of a government official's home. Castro's victory also results in the return of Cuban exiles: Former President Carlos Primo is welcomed by Castro and Guevara, and future Minister of Interior Luis Orlando Rodriguez makes a speech. Later, Castro makes his first public address in Havana and a memorial service is held for Batista's victims. Succeeding scenes include the reopening of a university and the demolition of a police station, as well as the search for the bodies of Batista's victims. Later at the Cavaña fortress, surviving Batista loyalists are subjected to trials. Following scenes of the tribunals is a scene of an execution, in which a man is shot by a firing squad and falls into an open grave. Footage of Castro's world press conference is then depicted, featuring thousands of citizens gathered outside to show their support. The film closes with Flynn reading from a card sent by Castro, in which the Cuban leader invites viewers to visit his country, where "freedom, democracy and all of the things that men live by are a reality."


Errol Flynn

Film Details
Technical Specs

No contemporary documentation for this film has been located, and the release year of 1959 has not been confirmed. However, internal information within the film suggests that it was assembled or completed circa 1959. The viewed print was titled The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution [sic], but the film was released on DVD as Cuban Story on April 30, 2002. Although the opening credits indicate that Fenix Producciones, S.A. copyrighted the film in Cuba, the film is not registered for copyright in the United States. In addition, opening credits are accompanied by an unidentified song.
The following information derives from modern sources, including added content on the viewed DVD print, which featured an introduction by Victor Pahlen's daughter Kyra: According to Pahlen, Flynn became friends with her father, who owned a casino and was writer-producer of the 1950 United Artists film Time Running Out (see below), while living in Cuba. Together, Victor Pahlen and Flynn shot scenes of the revolution as it occurred. Flynn met with Castro in November 1958. After returning to the U.S. in 1959, Flynn publicized his involvement with Castro's army, but did not refer to this documentary. Although Victor Pahlen hoped to show the film in the U.S., the eroding relationship between the U.S. and Cuba precluded an American release.
Further information in the DVD indicates that the film was exhibited at the Moscow Film Festival, but it is not included in the list of films participating in the 1959 competition. The film remained undiscovered at Rank Laboratories until almost fifty years later. Although modern sources suggest that The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution May bear some connection to Flynn's 1960 drama Cuban Rebel Girls, which was also made in Cuba, neither film appears to share footage. It is likely, however, that they were shot around the same time. Flynn made another film in Cuba, The Big Boodle (1957, ) but that also is unrelated to The Truth About Fidel Castro Revolution.
The documentary follows a loose history of the background of the Cuban revolution. Fulgencio Batista overthrew the Cuban government in 1952. In 1953, revolutionary leader Fidel Castro led an unsuccessful rebellion against Batista and was arrested. After his release in 1955, Castro led the 26th of July movement and returned to Cuba in 1956, where he allied with Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Together they launched guerrilla attacks and eventually overthrew Batista in 1959.