Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Edward Mann
John Delgar
Robert Glenn
Barbara Joyce
Steve Talbot
Linda Kane
Film Details
Technical Specs

One morning on the outskirts of Los Angeles, Tom, a middle-aged drifter, is ordered away from a warehouse where he has spent the night. Unruffled, Tom walks toward the city and a little later in a park, when a blonde prostitute propositions him, he accompanies her back to her room. That same morning not far away, a troubled young man, Frank, arrives at work at a smelting plant where his boss promptly fires him for stealing and causing trouble among his fellow workers. Angered, Frank returns to the small house he shares with his alcoholic aunt, who sees through the boy's blustery announcement that he has quit his job. When his aunt laments that Frank's mother spoiled him, Frank responds indignantly, insisting that his mother worked hard to support him after they were abandoned by his unfaithful father. Frank's aunt defends her brother, claiming that Frank's mother inhibited the free-spirited man, forcing him to leave. Frank bitterly retorts that he considers his father a murderer, as his overworked mother died struggling to care for him. After vowing to kill his father should he ever meet him, Frank flees to his room where he collapses onto his bed and weeps. Later, Frank finds his friend Bud at a local gym and suggests they spend the day at the beach. Bud agrees and the boys stop to pick up Bud's girl friend Iris, who is rehearsing at a dance studio. Iris tells the boys that she has been invited to a pool party at the home of a wealthy school friend, Suzie, and Frank and Bud agree to go. Although Suzie and her boyfriend Johnny greet the trio upon their arrival, Frank quickly becomes uncomfortable with the upper class social crowd at the party. Feigning disdain for the surroundings, Frank nevertheless grows belligerent when several girls refuse his request to dance and starts a fight. Johnny defends Frank, but Suzie asks Frank, Bud and Iris to leave. Sullen and angry, Frank insists on stopping at a roadside drive-in where his demand for beer is refused because he is underage, and the three are forcibly ejected from the restaurant. The trio then drive farther down the road to a country store where Bud offers to try to buy beer. As Frank and Iris pull over, they spot Tom hitchhiking nearby and Frank momentarily believes he recognizes him. Iris suggests they offer the older man a ride and Frank grudgingly agrees. When Bud returns without the beer, Frank asks Tom if he will purchase it for them. After Tom brings them the beer, the group drives on to the beach where Bud and Iris frolic in the water as Tom and Frank sit and watch. When Frank asks Tom about his life as a drifter, Tom reveals that he is on his way to Santa Barbara to make money posing for an art colony. Frank presses for more details about Tom's life and the older man confesses that one day he abruptly walked out on his family and job, and although he had no distinct plan, he knew that he never wanted to return to his previous life. Tom describes his pleasure over his quick ability to adapt to life on the streets and having a sense of freedom. When Tom admits that he is so content with his nomadic life that he has given little thought to his family, Frank listens with dismay. After Bud and Iris return from the water, Tom volunteers to retrieve the portable radio from the car parked up on the road. At the car, Tom notices the people at a nearby beach house departing. Tom goes to the house and breaks in, then searches for money and liquor. Discovering a supply of alcohol, Tom summons the others who are surprised by his boldness, but warily accept the drinks. Soon Bud and Iris grow slightly drunk and dance to music playing on the phonograph as Frank watches in annoyance. When Tom joins the couple, Frank angrily returns to the beach and reflects on his aunt's description of his father. Meanwhile back at the house, Bud begins to feel sick and stumbles back down to the beach. Alarmed that Iris is alone with Tom, Frank returns to the house and discovers the older man attempting to force himself on the girl. Disgusted, Frank sends Iris to Bud and angrily turns on Tom, but when the older man mildly calls him "son," Frank reacts with shock. Convinced that Tom is indeed his father, Frank demands that Tom take responsibility for abandoning him and his mother. As Frank's behavior grows increasingly bizarre, Tom panics and flees. Frank chases Tom down to the beach where he physically attacks him, beseeching Tom not to leave again. When Frank begins strangling Tom, a revived Bud pulls him away. Frank remains hysterical until Bud slaps him, which snaps Frank out of his obsessed mood. A stunned Tom recovers and frantically runs away. Frank attempts to apologize to the older man, but after collecting his few belongings, Tom hurries away. Frank returns to Bud and Iris and the three quietly walk back to the car.

Edward Mann
John Delgar
Robert Glenn
Barbara Joyce
Steve Talbot
Linda Kane
Johnny Prophet
Robert Pearson
Marty Rand
Boris Frohman

Film Details
Technical Specs

The film's working titles were The Teenager and the Tramp and Rebel. Although the film lists a 1958 copyright date onscreen, the film was not listed in the copyright catalog. According to reviews, the film did not go into release until 1963.