The Strike


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: The scene takes place in the Director's office. The workmen's delegates submit to him the complaints of their fellow workmen. Although the director's son sides with the workmen, he refuses to listen to them. The works are guarded by soldiers. The strikers await in the street ...

Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca


Film Details

Release Date
Sep 3, 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Lubin summary: The scene takes place in the Director's office. The workmen's delegates submit to him the complaints of their fellow workmen. Although the director's son sides with the workmen, he refuses to listen to them. The works are guarded by soldiers. The strikers await in the street the return of their delegates. They come out, give the result of their interview with the manager and his refusal to listen to their just claims. In their anger the workmen are on the point of storming the place, although the policemen are trying to keep them back. Finally, the officer at the head of the troops orders his men to fire and several men and children are killed or wounded. The manager comes out and endeavors to pacify the workmen, but a woman who has just seen her husband killed before her eyes by a bullet throws a brick at his head and kills him. In a garret on the bed lies the killed workman. His wife, surrounded by her children, is weeping, when suddenly the policemen break in to arrest her. She is taken away, notwithstanding the children crying and clinging to their mother. The next scene brings us to the court room. The woman begs her judges not to leave her children helpless in the world. The manager's son, although in great sorrow, knowing that his father was wrong, pleads in favor of the woman, asking her freedom. In an Apotheosis labor and capital unite their strength to give happiness to all and fortune in the future. The Justice appears and presides over this loyal alliance.

Film Details

Release Date
Sep 3, 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

