Little Manhattan
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mark Levin
Josh Hutcherson
Marsha Dietlein
Juliette Nicoloro
Aaron Shaw
Loston Harris
Film Details
Technical Specs
New York City is the most romantic place in the world--even if you're only 10 years old and falling in love for the first time. That's what young Gabe discovers as he pursues the object of his affections, his classmate Rosemary.
Mark Levin
Josh Hutcherson
Marsha Dietlein
Juliette Nicoloro
Aaron Shaw
Loston Harris
Anthony Laflamme
George Riddle
Calvin Brown
Lynn Chen
Jacob Levine
Olga Pavlova
Timothy Adams
Shane Rhoades
J Kyle Manzay
Robert Belk
Doug Wright
Michael Chaturantabut
Cynthia Nixon
Christopher Wynkoop
Salvatore Darigo
Marcus Parsley
Linda Thompson-williams
Hasani Houston
Chris Berger
Jess Weixler
Franny Flackett-levin
Brian W Aguiar
Charlie Ray
Josh Pais
Nick Cubbler
Paul Borghese
Willie Garson
Leigha Nicoloro
John Dossett
Connor Hutcherson
Scott Rosenstock

Alex Trebek
Caitlin Mccoll
Tonye Patano
Quincy Davis
Jonah Meyerson
Bradley Whitford
Talia Balsam
Neil Jay Shastri
Ray Robertson
Michael Anthony Bush
Wayne Adams
G. A. Aguilar
Douglas Aibel
Tom Allen
Steve Alterman
Ben D Andrea
Alicia Ashley
Ron Aspery
Ron Aspery
K C Bailey
Jim Bandsuh
Lazlo Bane
Scott Barbour
Kelly Beaton
Anna Behlmer
Maureen Beitler
Alan Edward Bell
Alan Edward Bell
Kristin Cameron Bernstein
David Betancourt
George Bianchini
Patricia Birch
Susannah Blinkoff
Lynn Blumenthal
James Bolt
Hugo Bonilla
Alexis Brandt
Melissa Braun
Tim Bright
Conrad F Brink
Jane Bulmer
David Burk
Michael Burke
Gary Burritt
Jerry Butler
Sammy Cahn
Vivian Cannon
Derek Casari
Rose Chatterton
Michael Chaturantabut
Ryan Chavez
Eric Cheripka
Kathy Ciric
Matthew Clark
Wendy Cohen
Nat King Cole
Brad Combs
Jordan Corngold
Blaise Corrigan
Douglas Crosby
Cara Czekanski
Gary M Davis
Susan Schakelford Dawes
Gene De Paul
Michael Decasper
Jim Denny
Frank Didio
Angelo Digiacomo
Kathleen Dolan
Joseph Donahue Iii
Carl Douglas
Carl Douglas
Kevin Draves
Jeff Dutemple
Ann Edgeworth
David Elwell
Glen Engels
Jeffrey A. Eplett
Saeed Faridzadeh
Dawn Fintor
Chad Fischer
Chad Fischer
Chad Fischer
Donna Fischetto
Mo Fitzgerald
Jennifer Flackett
Ray Flynn
Abe Forman-greenwald
Abe Forman-greenwald
Marilyn Fried
Richard Friedman
Richard Friedman
Ken Fundus
Kenneth Gamble
Virginia Gifford
Rafael Gonell
Ginger Gonzalez
Mack Gordon
Matthew Gordon
Jeff Gramm
Justin Gravatt
Michael N Green
Vincent Guarriello
Peter G Hackman
Jeffrey Harlacker
Loston Harris
Loston Harris
Craig 'pup' Heath
Warren Hendriks
Todd Herfindal
Selena Hernandez
Hieu Ho
Stephanie Holbrook
Deirdre Horgan
Kevin Houlihan
Patrick Houlihan
Laura Hudock
Leon Huff
Rumiko Ishii
Etta James
Freedy Johnston
John Kasarda
Nora Kasarda
Ntana Key
Debbie Kim
Brian Knott
Scott Koenig
William J Koplin
Stosh Kozlowski
Chrissy Kuhn
Joseph La Corte
Vanessa Lapato
Diane Lederman
Ted Lehane
John Lennon
Mark Levin
Chris Link
David Lucarelli
Tony Macaulay
Kasia Walicka Maimone
Barry Mason
Paul Mccartney
Caitlin Mckenna
David Mckimmie
Tina Mckissick
Hillary R Meyer
Arnon Milchan
Scott Miller
Christine Moosher
Louis Morin
John Murray
Malcolm Chin-soong Murray
Howard Neiman
Jenn Nelson
Ray Noble
Thomas Nousias
Anna Novick
Edward O'donnell
Arne Olsen
Steven Oppenheim
Susan Orga
Tim Orr
Tim Orr
Janet Paparazzo
Matt Patterson
Ron Petagna
Jami Philbrick
Morgan Pitts
Gavin Polone
Sara Porter
George Potter
Elvis Presley
Charles Price
David Price
Steve F Price
Michael Primmer
Philip A Ramos
Charles Rapp
Christopher Regan
Leah Reingewirtz
Charlene Richards
Jon Ringbom
Lee Roderick
Jeremy Rosenstein
Amanda Ross
Sarah Rubenstein
James Sabat
Jj Sabat
Amy Safhay
Danny Salk
Henri Sann
Joe Santiago
Matt Scannell
John Schwartz
Steve Scott
Joe Sevey
Karl Shefelman
Elizabeth Shein
Stephen Shellooe
Susan Silas
John Silvestri
Mark Simon
Manny Siverio
Linda Slater
James Smith
Ryan Smith
Denis St. Amand
Debbie Stampfle
Ron Stanik
David Stein
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Expanded Release in United States October 14, 2005
Released in United States Fall September 30, 2005
Released in United States on Video April 4, 2006
Literary Sale Date 10/31/2003
Released in United States on Video April 4, 2006
Released in United States Fall September 30, 2005
Expanded Release in United States October 14, 2005