Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Simon West
Camilla Belle
Katie Cassidy
Brian Geraghty
David Denman
Tessa Thompson
Film Details
Technical Specs
In a remote hilltop house, high school student Jill Johnson settles in for a routine night of babysitting. With the children sound asleep and a beautiful home to explore, she locks the door and sets the alarm. But when a series of eerie phone calls from a stranger insists that she "check the childre
Simon West
Camilla Belle
Katie Cassidy
Brian Geraghty
David Denman
Tessa Thompson
Tommy Flanagan
Lance Henriksen
Clark Gregg
Derek Delint
Kate Jennings Grant
Arthur Young

Madeline Carroll
Steve Eastin
John Bobek
Brad Surosky
Karina Logue
Rosine Ace Hatem
Escher Holloway
Clement E Blake
Carson Elrod
Molly Bryant
John Waugh
Owen Smith
Jessica Helmer
Joe Bergman
Arthur Young
Nicole Abranian
Crisoforo Aguilar
H. Leah Amir
Lillian Madere Andrade
Mario A. Arce
Anne Aulenta
David Barbee
Andy Rafael Barrios
Jason Bartolone
Mychael Bates
James Bayliss
Noah Behar
Tim Belcher
Jennifer K Bell
Lamonte Bell
Madeline Bell
Elissa Bello
Jennifer Bender
Glenn Bennett
Salim Bensrhir
Kelly Bergougnoux
Glenn Berkovitz
David Berman
David Betancourt
Jeff Betancourt
Bruce Bisbey
Tiffany Biscayne
Courtney Bishop
Dean C Black
Travis Bobbitt
Joe Bodle
Leland Bond
Scott Bowling
Sharleen Bright
Craig A Brink
Brooke Brooks
Grant Brostrom
Linda Brown
Eric Budlong
Eric Bundy
Danielle Burgio
Dieter Busch
Raul Butcher
Mark Cally
Sarah Catizone
Alan Caudillo
Ruben Chacon
Matt Chevlen
Liz Chiz
Andy Chua
Charles J Clark
Dan Clark
Larry E Clark
Tim Clark
Al Cleland
Matt Colleran
Curtis Collins
Alan Coombs
Tamsin Costello
Kimberly Shriver Covate
Wendy Cox
Eric Cross
Paddy Cullen
Paddy Cullen
Brian Cuscino
Steve Danton
Robert Darwell
Tim Davies
Tim Davies
John Davis
Anna Delanzo
Darrin Denlinger
Robert Deschane
Marie-sylvie Deveau
James Dooley
James Dooley
Alan Downs
Kevin Doyle
Mitchell S Drain
Dominic Dugandzic
Chad Dunn
David Eckert
Lou Economides
Oliver Eisinger
Randall C Engle
Michael S. Epley
Eric Evans
Tim Ewell
Joel Faraci
Joel Faraci
Steve Feke
Marc Fekkes
Mariono Fernandez
Arlene Ferrer
Dylan Firshein
Marc Fishman
Paul Flinchbaugh
Erik Folsom
Geoff Foster
Adam Frazier
Steve Galich
Alexis Garcia
Chet Garlow
Rob Garlow
Brandon S Gilgen
Sean M Ginn
Wyck Godfrey
Corey Gomez
Scott Goodman
Darlene Gorzela
Mark C Grech
Scott Gregory
Russ Griffith
Glynna Grimala
Hal Groshon
Arda Gulesserian
Dave Gunderson
Brandon Hall
Jeff Scott Hall
Adrienne Hamalian-mangine
Greg Hamilton
Gene Hara
Jason Harnell
Russell Harvey
Willie Haspel
Steve Hawkins
John Paul Hays
Mark Heard
Tom Heigl
Elek Hendrickson
Jim Heritage
Alex Hernandez
Ryce Hetherington
Elizabeth Himelstein
Liz Himmelstein
John Hirota
Loc Hoang
Steven Hodge
Robyn Holmes
Greg Hooper
Tommy Hooper
Tom Hrupcho
Jen Hutchinson
Jeff Imada
Gregory Irwin
Cheri Jacobs
Simon James
Milan Janicin
Jack Jennings
Cory Johnson
Frank Johnson
Zachary Justman
Joe Ken
Traci Kirshbaum
Glen Kobayashi
Ronald R Koch
Wayne Kosky
Mike Kowal
Christian Krieger
Brian Kun
Chris Kutcka
Tim Lafferty
Tony Lamberti
Bill Laverty
James Lee
Kenneth Lemberger
Duke Lim
Michael Lori
Lisa Lovaas
William Magill
Lee Majors
Matt Margeson
Christopher Martinez
Lanelle Mason
Meg Matthews
Rick Mccarthy
Richard Mcconaghey
Niles Mcelroy
Emma Mcguinness
Nathan Mcguinness
Johnny Mcintyre
Caitlin Mckenna
Brett Mckenzie
Vikki Mcmillian
Tony Medina
Victor Mendez
Peter Menzies
Peter Menzies
James Meyer
Kim Meyer
Alan Meyerson
Zach Michel
Adam Miller
Michael Miller
Derek Milner
Ryan Mock
Kevin Mockrin
Matthew Montante
David Morales
Christopher Morente
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 3, 2006
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2006
Remake of "When a Stranger Calls" (USA/1979) directed by Fred Walton.
Literary Sale Date: 08/11/2004
Released in United States Winter February 3, 2006
Released in United States on Video May 16, 2006