Sky High
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mike Mitchell
Kurt Russell
Danielle Panabaker
Michael Angarano
Loren Berman
Lucille Soong
Film Details
Technical Specs
It all begins at a secret school in the clouds like none on earth: Sky High, the first and only high school for kids with super-human powers going through crime-fighting puberty. At Sky High, the student body throw flames with their footballs, study Villainy with their Chemistry and are divided into "Heroes" and "Sidekicks" instead of jocks and geeks. It's an out-of-this-world yet completely recognizable place where cool gadgetry, rampant bravery and awe-inspiring magical skills mix it up with parental battles, peer pressure and dating trouble--with explosively fun results. This year's class features some of the best, brightest and most powerfully gifted super-teens ever assembled. And then there's Will Stronghold. When you're the son of the world's most legendary super heroes, The Commander and Jetstream, people expect you to live up to the family name The problem is that Will is starting with no superpowers of his own and, worst of all, instead of joining the ranks of the "Hero" class, he finds himself relegated to being a "Sidekick." Now he must somehow survive his freshman year while dealing with an overbearing gym coach, a bully with super speed and a dangerous rebel with a grudge (and the ability to shoot fire from his hands)--not to mention the usual angst, parental expectations and girl problems that accompany teenage life. But when an evil villain threatens his family, friends and the very sanctity of Sky High, Will must use his newfound superpowers to save the day and prove himself a "Hero" worthy of the family tradition.
Mike Mitchell

Kurt Russell
Danielle Panabaker
Michael Angarano
Loren Berman
Lucille Soong
Will Harris
Steven Strait
Cheryl Gould
Kelly Vitz
Kevin Mcdonald
Jill Talley

Cloris Leachman
Dave Foley
Amy Brown

Bruce Campbell
Tom Kenny
Kimmy Brown
Christopher Wynne
Jim Rash
Dee Jay Daniels
Jake Sandvig
Nicholas Braun

Lynda Carter
Patrick Warburton
Kevin Heffernan
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Dustin Ingram
Zach Rogers
Alfred Agius
Jonathan Aibel
Blondel Aidoo
Pamela Alch
Jeremy Alter
Hank Amos
Peter Amundson
Bryan Andrews
James Ashwill
Sarah Auhagen
Maryellen Aviano-roberts
Cathy Babin
Robert J Babin
Thomas Bailey
Jeffrey Baksinski
Lena Baran
Roy Barnes
Craig Tex Barnett
Andy Rafael Barrios
Nicole Basanda
Dave Bassett
Randy Beckman
Judith A Bell
Elissa Bello
Glenn Bennett
Aaron Benoit
Glenn Berger
Bradford Berling
Paul Berry
Jason Bieler
Christine Bieselin
Richard L Bloom
Oana Bogdan
Tony Bonaventura
Kevin Bouchez
Erin Boyd
Connie Boylan
Stacey B Brashear
Mariko Braswell
Danny Brazen
Jill Breitzman
Leslie Brennan
Michael W Brennan
June Brickman
Sharleen Bright
Jodi Brockton
Cary Brothers
Al Broussard
G W Brown
Julian Brown
Lisa Brown
Richard Brown
Jeanette Browning
John P Bruce
Scott Brueznak
Shannan Burkley
Christian Burns
David Byrne
Robert Cable
Marco Campos
Robert Carbajal
Joseph Carson
Michael T Carter
Gerald Casale
Jesse G Cervantes
Kathy Chasen-hay
Brandon Christy
Tim Clark
Michael Conroy
Andy Cox
James M. Cox
David Crawford
Brandon Criswell
John Cucci
Mick Cukurs
Kevin Cullhane
Steve Cummings
Mike Cunningham
Karla Ventocilla Curby
Cy Curnin
Alannah Currie
Deborah Curtis
J Patrick Daily
Anupam Das
Stephen M Davis
Stephen P Del Prete
Mike Denneen
Ralph Denson
Phil Desanti
Don Devine
Jacob Dewitt
Arnit Dhawal
David Diano
Rockey Dickey
Andrea Dietrich
Casey Diiorrio
Patrick Dillett
Daren R. Dochterman
Scott Dougherty
Danny Downey
Mitchell S Drain
Mitchell S Drain
Kasey Drayton
Richard Duarte
Kieron Dwyer
John Michael Eaves
Mike Edmonson
Stephen Edwards
Tawny Ellis
Sam Emerson
Jane English
Kyle Entsminger
Erio Evans
Sean Andrew Faden
Karen Faust
Jack A Firman
Chad Fischer
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Nicholas S Fitzgerald
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Colleen Fitzpatrick
Andy Foster
Elizabeth Frank
Christopher Franz
Leigh French
Chad Frey
Michelle L Gardner
Mark Gasbarro
Jack Geckler
Susan Germaine
Matthew Gerrard
Michael Giacchino
Don Gilmore
Kit Giordano
Jana Lynn Gold
Patty Gomez
Ildefonso Goris
Robert Gould
Frank Scott Graves
Peter Greenall
William N Greene
Scott Gregory
Robbie Grey
Charles Grisham
Andrew Gunn
Barbara Gutman
Aurelio Guzman
Matthew Hackett
Jerry Harrison
Jessica Hart
Michael Hausman
Marc Havener
William Hawkins
Jack Hayes
Marie Healy
Michael Hemshoot
Claas Henke
Paul Hernandez
Michelle Herrin
Bruce Robert Hill
Mike Hobbs
Millie Holladay
Robert Holmes
Natascha Hopkins
Jamie Houston
Michael Hugghins
Chris Hughes
Charlie Hulien
Christina Hwang
Nancy Hyland
Mario Iscovich
John E Jackson
John E Jackson
Joni Jacobson
Tisha Jahnke
Judy Jennings
Randy Johnson
Shelly Johnson
Allison Jones
Keith A Jones
Will Jorgenson
Zachary Justman
Doc Kane
David Kasubowski
Erin Kaufman
Jayne Marie Kehoe
Gary Kemp
Joe Ken
Larry Kenton
David Kern
Eden Kerr-perkinson
Margery Kimbrough
Deke Kincaid
Raymond King
Susan Kistler
Dave Knudson
Kris Kobzina
Aaron Koons
Adam Kopald
Michael Kotch
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video November 29, 2005
Released in United States Summer July 29, 2005
Released in United States on Video November 29, 2005
Released in United States Summer July 29, 2005