Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Joe Roth
Calvin Hart
Catrina Ganey
Leonard Thomas
Samuel L. Jackson
Brandon Bennett
Film Details
Technical Specs
Late one night in a working class New Jersey suburb, a bloodied woman staggers mute and dazed into the emergency room at the Dempsy Medical Center. After treatment for shock and hysteria, Brenda Martin recounts to Dempsy police detective Lorenzo Council a horrific tale of being carjacked on the isolated strip of undeveloped land that divides Dempsy's urban housing projects from the blue collar town of Gannon, where she lives. She claims she was forced out of her car by a black man, but during the interrogation Council senses he's not getting the whole story. Only after hours of questioning does Brenda finally break down and confess that her four-year-old son, Cody, was asleep in the back seat of the stolen car. Led by activist Karen Collucci, members of the communities of Dempsy and Gannon unite in a search for the missing child, but the criminal investigation into the alleged kidnapping by a suspect who is presumed to be a local from the projects soon ignites long-simmering racial tensions between the two towns.
Joe Roth
Calvin Hart
Catrina Ganey
Leonard Thomas

Samuel L. Jackson
Brandon Bennett
Genevieve Hudson Price
Domenick Lombardozzi
Shawn Andrew
Colman Domingo
Amanda Seales
Steven G Smith Ii
Ron Eldard
Sharon Washington
Jasmine Walker
Maduka Steady
Jarrod Gandy
Patricia Mauceri
Liza Col=n-zayas
Cheryl Wills
Sapphire Quick
Adam Kulbersh
Joe Forbrich
Gil Deeble
Edie Falco
Teodorina Bello
Aasif Mandvi
Socorro Santiago

Julianne Moore
Timothy Shannon
Philip Bosco
Marlon Sherman
Ira Hawkins
Donna Cutugno
Chance Kelly
William Forsythe
Anthony Mackie
Oscar Colon
Brian Dykstra
Bill Walsh
Jamel Scott
Cameron Steele
Latanya Richardson
Aunjanue Ellis
Clarke Peters
Peter Friedman
Dorian Missick
Haneefah Wood
Richard Price
Ernestine Jackson
Danielle Carter
Jason Furlani
Dc Benny
Fly Williams
Philip C. Canfield
Marisa Redanty
Rafiyq Abdellah
Annica Ackerman
Carlos A. Acosta
G. A. Aguilar
Glenn Allen
Joan Altman
Ethan Anderson
Julian Andraus
Pete Anthony
Allan Apone
Thomas Aquino
Jeff Atmajian
Chris P Bacon
Mary Bailey
Adria Baratta
Richard Baratta
Richard Baratta
Michael Barosky
Monica Barraza
Toni Barton
Bobby Beckles
John Begley
Maureen Beitler
Peter Betulia
Mark Binder
Matt Blades
Christiana Blain
Mirashyam Blakeslee
Katja Blichfeld
Eric Boncher
Ghilaine Bouadana
Steven Brennan
Thom Brennan
J. C. Brotherhood
Melissa L Brown
William Buckman
Kelly Bumbarger
Joseph Buonocore Jr.
Michael Buonocore
Ronald J. Burke
Nathan J. Busch
Eddie Bydalek
Geb Byers
Nicole Callender
Joseph A Campayno
Debbie Canfield
Kelly Canfield
Shannon Canfield
William Canfield
Patrice Canfield Longo
Brian Carmichael
David M. Carr
Carolyn Cartwright
Ronald Cavazzini
John Cenatiempo
Ben Cheah
Felix Chen
Michael Chock
Mark Coffey
Rich Cohn
Bob Colletti
Alisa Colley
Chris Collins
H. H. Cooper
Kyle Cooper
Carole Cowley
Ana Cuadra
Michael Damski
Karen Davis
Sandy De Crescent
Brad Dechter
Roberto Dejesus
Angelo Digiacomo
Michael Diliberti
Kat Donahue
Robert Dwyer
Mike Eaves
Jules Eggli
Peter Epstein
William Espanet
David Evans
Julie Feiner
Kathleen Fellegara
Robert Fennimore
Ryan Ferguson
Daniel Fernandez
Rafaello Ferrucci
Ken Fischer
Tom Fleischman
Donald Flick
Kevin W. Flynn
Richard Ford
Roy Fortier
Richard Friedlander
Chris Gelles
Gregory Gelles
Lee Genick
Anita Gibson
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
Richard Girolami
Damon Gordon
Richard Grant
Dennis Green
Scott Gregoire
George Grenier
Joe Grimaldi
David Gulick
Craig Haagensen
Craig Haagensen
Peter G Hackman
Melissa Haley
Barbara Harris
Anthony Hemingway
Mo Henry
James T. Hill
Brian Hogan
Jerome F. Holway
Thomas J Horvath
James Newton Howard
Joyce Hsieh
Samuel Huh
John P Husky
Doug Huszti
Mark C Hutchinson
David Isyomin
Mike Jackson
Askia Won-ling Jacob
Aaron Janus
Adam Johnson
John R Johnston
Pamela Nedd Kahn
Dierdre Kane
Heather Kane
Cassandre Khoury
Chris Kilduff
Colleen King
Johann Kunz
Peter Kunz
John Kwiatkowski
Tom Lalley
Mary Jo Lang
Gail Laskowski
Iris H. Lemos
Alyson W Lewin
Herb Lieberz
Scott Lieberz
Craig Lindberg
Kirstin Liu
Melanie L Lopes
Zakiya Lucas
Donna Maloney
Craig Mann
Carmia Marshall
Aaron Martin
Frank Masi
Albert Massiah
Barbra Matis
Michelle Matland
Lynn Matsumoto
Christie Mattull
Alexandra Mazur
Dan Mccann
Patrick Mcdonald
Ali Merhi
Vanessa Merrill
Alan Meyerson
Alan Meyerson
Anastas Michos
Danny Moder
Nick Moore
William Moran
Scott Morgan
John F Morrone
Rob Mula
Piero Mura
Kenneth D Nelson
Josephine Nericcio
Ed Nessen
Myron Nettinga
Charles J. Newirth
Charles J. Newirth
Stuart Nicolai
Dale Pierce Nielson
Heather Norton
Thomas Nousias
Danny O'brien
William O'leary
Elaine Offers
David Olson
Derek Pastures
Garrett G Pastures
Jacqueline Payne
Kia Perry
Louis Petraglia
Peter John Petraglia
Addison Pettit
Balint Pinczehelyi
Morgan Pitts
Stephen Pope
James Popper
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video May 30, 2006
Released in United States Winter February 17, 2006
Based on the novel "Freedomland" written by Joe Roth; published by Broadway Books May, 1998.
Michael Winterbottom formerly attached to direct. Morgan Freeman formerly attached to star.
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.
Project was previously set up at Paramount but put it into turnaround.
Released in United States Winter February 17, 2006
Released in United States on Video May 30, 2006
Scott Rudin Productions and Paramount Pictures reportedly paid $2.5-3 million for Richard Price's unfinished manuscript.