Charlotte's Web
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gary Winick
Michael Roland
Ian Watkin
Joel Mccrary
Julian O'donnell
Robert Redford
Film Details
Technical Specs
Fern is one of only two living beings who sees that Wilbur is a special animal, while she raises him--the runt of the litter--into a terrific and radiant pig. As Wilbur moves into a new barn, he begins a second profound friendship with the most unlikely of creatures--a spider named Charlotte--and their bond inspires the animals around them to come together as a family. When the word gets out that Wilbur's days are numbered, it seems that only a miracle will save his life. A determined Charlotte--who sees miracles in the ordinary--spins words into her web in an effort to convince the farmer that Wilbur is "some pig" and worth saving.
Gary Winick
Michael Roland
Ian Watkin
Joel Mccrary
Julian O'donnell

Robert Redford
Cedric The Entertainer
Dakota Fanning

Julia Roberts

Beau Bridges
Don Bridges
Dominic Scott Kay
Louis Corbett
Nate Mooney
Essie Davis
Joseph Lotesto
Julia Zemiro
Robyn Arthur
Briana Hodge
Abraham Benrubi
Bradley White
Gary Basaraba
Nicholas Bell
Reba Mcentire
Andrt Benjamin
Fred Tatasciore
Thomas Haden Church
Maia Kirkpatrick
Robert Plazek

Kathy Bates

Sam Shepard
Jennessa Rose

Steve Buscemi
Teague Rook

John Cleese
Siobhan Fallon Hogan
Brian Stepanek

Oprah Winfrey
Kevin Anderson
Denise Kirby
Victor Abbene
Nathan Abbot
Bill Abbott
David Abbott
Glen Abeywardena
Grant Adam
Andrea Adams
Jude Adamson
Imran Ahmed
Axel Akesson
Matthew Aldous
Philip Edward Alexy
Benita Allen
Gwen Allen
Jeff Allen
Kent Allen
Robert Alves
Dovi Anderson
Glenn Anderson
Scott Anderson
Ryan Andolina
Charise E Angone
Pete Anthony
Mimia Arbelaez
Jason Armstrong
Erica Arvold
Mark Ashby
Jim Aupperle
Derrick Auyoung
Todd Avery
Ernie Avila
Drew Bailey
Negin Bairami
John S Baker
Leo Baker
Louise Baker
Matthew Baldwin
Jason Ballantine
Glen Ballard
Jesse Balodis
Bobbi Banks
Ben Barber
Robert Barnes
Bob Baron
Phil Barrenger
Steve Bartek
Rod Basham
Jason Bath
Allen Battino
Nick Beagley
Darren Bell
Michael Bell
Tamara Bell
Tov Belling
Roman Bennett
Michael Berenstein
John Berger
Lee Berger
Chris Bergman
Shane Berry
John Andrew Berton
Anita Bevelheimer
Jeetendra Bhagtani
Jason Billington
Enrique Bilsland
Renata Blaich
Marten Blumen
Andrea Blundell
David Booth
Mal Booth
Carolina Rose Hyoun Borolla
Kent Boswell
Aharon Bourland
Jennifer Bourne
Naomi Bowden
Nerissa Box
Christopher Boyes
John Bozzalla
Chris Bradley
Evan Brainard
Emily Branham
Kane Brassington
Julian Bratolyubov
Devin Breese
Karla Brenner
Bart Breve
Bruce Bright
Edgar Bronfman
Anthea Brown
Dhyana Brummel
Michael Brunet
John Brunold
Harry Russell Brutche
Martin Bruveris
Daniel Bryant
Josh Bryer
Alexandre Bryman
Chuck Buch
Caren Buckley
Paul Buckley
Craig Bullen
Andrea Butterfield
Darren Byford
Ben Campbell
Guy Campbell
Howard W Campbell
Jason Campbell
Shelley Campbell
Alessandra Carlino
Tamara Carlson-woodard
Kevin Carney
Ashleigh Carter
Randy Cartwright
Jamie Andres Castaneda
Al Cerullo
Jan Cerwonka
Jackson Chang
Pascal Chappuis
Yeen-shi Chen
John Cherevka
Peter A Chevako
Chris Child
Lisa Chino
Sandesh Chonkar
Camille Chu
Wes Cilldhaire
Blair Clark
Tony Clark
Matt Clarke
Simon Clarke
Naomi Cleaver
Michael Clemens
Damon Coad
Greg Cobain
Raquel Coelho
Luke Cole
Sam Cole
Tony Cole
Peter Collister
Peter Collister
Miranda Colman
Michael Conelly
Patrick Connole
Todd Constantine
Peter Cook
Richard Corwin
Edword Cotton
Anne Couk
Brian Covalt
Jeremy Cox
Donnie Creighton
Colin Cromwell
Justin Crow
Justin Crowe
Simone Culley
Chris Cunningham
Scott Curtis
Cory Czekaj
Scott Dace
Danielle Dajani
Umesh Dalvi
Michaela Danby
Amelia Darke
Chinmay Das
Debbi Datz-pyle
Dexter Davey
Chris Davies
Zack Davis
Ruby Moon Davis Kurzel
Stella Gypsy Davis Kurzel
Matthew Daw
Rohan Dawson
Mark Day
Brad De Caussin
Jose L De Juan
Tim De Palma
Alessandra De Souza
Mitch Deans
Jeff Deist
Tom Del Campo
Lou Demarco
Cosmas A. Demetriou
Michelle Deniaud
Greg Dennen
Heather Dennis
Lou Diaz
Mark Dickson
John Dietz
Tony Diterlizzi
Justin Dix
Gabe Dixon
Gary Dixon
Robert Dorris
Kim Doyle
Henry Dray
Amanda Duncan
Tracy Dunne
Gus Duron
Syd Dutton
Pauline Wu Duvall
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States on Video April 3, 2007
Released in United States December 2006
Shown at Dubai International Film Festival (Cinema for Children) December 10-17, 2006.
Based on E.B. White's classic children's novel "Charlotte's Web."
Paramount did an animated adaptation of the book in 1973 with Debbie Reynolds as the voice of Charlotte.
Brad Silberling previously interested in directing.
Released in United States Winter December 15, 2006
Released in United States on Video April 3, 2007
Released in United States December 2006 (Shown at Dubai International Film Festival (Cinema for Children) December 10-17, 2006.)
Released in United States Winter December 15, 2006