

Brief Synopsis

[No information on the plot of the film has been located. The play, a farce, included such characters as a pair of elopers, who are not eloping with each other and who are interned by burlesque wild tigers, a "silly-ass Englishman," an American waiter with higher aspirations, and a menagerie proprie...

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
William N. Selig
Distribution Company
The Export and Import Film Co.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the play In for the Night by James Savery (New York, 11 Jan 1917).


[No information on the plot of the film has been located. The play, a farce, included such characters as a pair of elopers, who are not eloping with each other and who are interned by burlesque wild tigers, a "silly-ass Englishman," an American waiter with higher aspirations, and a menagerie proprietor who loses his animals and regains his wife during the twenty-four hours of the play.]

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
William N. Selig
Distribution Company
The Export and Import Film Co.
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the play In for the Night by James Savery (New York, 11 Jan 1917).




The working title of this film was In for the Night. Selig's company purchased the rights to Savery's farce on May 16, 1919, and in July 1920, articles in Motion Picture News announced that the film was nearly completed, requiring only the scenes featuring animals from the Selig Zoo. The only additional information located concerning this film was in the William N. Selig Collection. No dates of production or exhibition were located. The film was also called Sic 'Em. Material in the Selig Collection indicated that it was based on the story "In and Out" by Gilbert Parker, but no information concerning Parker's story has been located.