A Father's Honor


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: A young and pretty girl welcomes her father, a hunter, at their cozy home. He is tired and goes indoors to rest, while the daughter picks up her sewing work and starts to follow him. The mail carrier arrives and hands her a letter, which seems to be from a friend, as we see t...

Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca


Film Details

Release Date
May 27, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Lubin summary: A young and pretty girl welcomes her father, a hunter, at their cozy home. He is tired and goes indoors to rest, while the daughter picks up her sewing work and starts to follow him. The mail carrier arrives and hands her a letter, which seems to be from a friend, as we see the young girl start to go on an errand. Really she goes to meet a young man, who, of course, starts to talk of love to her, but she does not listen to his words. In his anger at being refused he tries to force her to go with him, but she is a strong girl and defends herself as well as she can. An unfortunate blow throws her down and the scoundrel, seeing his victim dead, after little hesitation, throws her into the river and runs away. A little boy, who has been gathering faggots in the woods, sees the corpse in the water and runs home, horror-stricken, to tell what he has seen in the river. The good people come, find the dead, and, recognizing her as the hunter's pretty daughter, carry the dead body to the old home. The sight of his dead child nearly overcomes the poor father. In his efforts to call back to life he finds the note the villain had written, and, swearing to revenge his daughter's death, he starts in pursuit of the assassin. The police, who had been searching for the murderer, finally succeed in cornering him, but the assassin is a strong man, and, after a short struggle, defeats his pursuers and runs for life. He does not get far, however, as the hunter has taken his position on the road, and when the murderer gets near his hiding place he shoots him down. The father's honor is saved, but over the murderer's body the old man delivers his gun to the police, thus giving himself up to justice.

Film Details

Release Date
May 27, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

