Biograph's Improved Incubator


Brief Synopsis

Biograph summary: This is an exceedingly clever picture, taken out of doors to give it all the needed realism. A farmer stands before a table, and breaks eggs into a plate. As the content of each egg strikes the plate it changes instantly into a live chick. The effect is very novel and amus...

Cast & Crew

Robert K. Bonine


Film Details

Release Date
Jun 1902
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
United States


Biograph summary: This is an exceedingly clever picture, taken out of doors to give it all the needed realism. A farmer stands before a table, and breaks eggs into a plate. As the content of each egg strikes the plate it changes instantly into a live chick. The effect is very novel and amusing.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 1902
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
United States

