President McKinley and Wife, Members of His Cabinet and Their Wives and Capt. Cohlan Leaving the Cruiser Raleigh


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: This film is absolutely the best that has ever been taken of so distinguished a party. President McKinley stands in full view of your audience, as well as Captain Coghlan, one of the Manila heroes. The faces are clear and distinct, and the entire picture is full of detail. It...

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1899
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
S. Lubin
United States


Lubin summary: This film is absolutely the best that has ever been taken of so distinguished a party. President McKinley stands in full view of your audience, as well as Captain Coghlan, one of the Manila heroes. The faces are clear and distinct, and the entire picture is full of detail. It is a most beautiful subject.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1899
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
S. Lubin
United States

