Out of the Tiger's Mouth
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tim Whelan Jr.
Loretta Han-yi Hwong
David Fang
Lillian Wai
T'ang Juo Ch'ing
Mario Barri
Film Details
Technical Specs

Little Moon and Peaceful, two Chinese children, are smuggled from the mainland to Hong Kong in the bottom of a boat. The unscrupulous boatman, instead of delivering the sister and brother to their uncle, goes to Macao and sells them to a whorehouse, where a prostitute takes pity on the children and helps them to gain passage to Hong Kong. Unfamiliar with the urban way of life, the children are soon robbed of what little money they have and are forced into begging and stealing. They finally learn that their uncle has died and realize that they must face the bleak future alone.

Tim Whelan Jr.
Loretta Han-yi Hwong
David Fang
Lillian Wai
T'ang Juo Ch'ing
Mario Barri
Lolita Shek
Feng I
Victoria Chan

Film Details
Technical Specs

Location scenes filmed in Hong Kong and Macao.