The Amateur Adventuress


Brief Synopsis

William Claxtonbury, the elderly, lecherous head of the Working Girls' Welfare Association, flirts with his pretty clients and gives plainer applicants an inspirational pamphlet. Claxtonbury's stenographer, Norma Wood, is engaged to George Goodie, a sanctimonius, miserly clerk, who looks forward to...

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1919
Premiere Information
release: 28 Apr 1919 or 5 May 1919
Production Company
Metro Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Metro Pictures Corp.; All-Star Series
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "The Amateur Adventuress" by Thomas Edgelow in Young's Magazine (Oct 1918).


William Claxtonbury, the elderly, lecherous head of the Working Girls' Welfare Association, flirts with his pretty clients and gives plainer applicants an inspirational pamphlet. Claxtonbury's stenographer, Norma Wood, is engaged to George Goodie, a sanctimonius, miserly clerk, who looks forward to her continued employment after their marriage. Determined to have a fling at life, Norma walks out on Goodie and charges a number of gowns to Claxtonbury. In her finery she visits a restaurant, where she meets Oliver Morley. Oliver's sister, Mrs. Sentel, a wealthy widow whose two passions in life are her son Gregory and "the movies," hires Norma for $5,000 to lure Gregory from his portly sweetheart, a delicatessen owner's daughter. Using tips found in How to Win a Man in 48 Hours , written by a "picture vamp," Norma succeeds and Gregory proposes to her. Norma, however, realizes that she has fallen in love with Oliver and confesses all to him. Her love is reciprocated and Norma and Oliver plan to marry.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1919
Premiere Information
release: 28 Apr 1919 or 5 May 1919
Production Company
Metro Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Metro Pictures Corp.; All-Star Series
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "The Amateur Adventuress" by Thomas Edgelow in Young's Magazine (Oct 1918).

