Once a Plumber


Brief Synopsis

Plumbers William Wilson and Joe Blynn are partners who share quite different ambitions. Will aspires to wealth and glamour while Joe is content with their plumbing business. While fixing a leak in the Hoban mansion, millionaire Hoban overhears Will's grumbling and offers the pair a chance to parti...

Film Details

Release Date
Sep 27, 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; New Star Series
United States


Plumbers William Wilson and Joe Blynn are partners who share quite different ambitions. Will aspires to wealth and glamour while Joe is content with their plumbing business. While fixing a leak in the Hoban mansion, millionaire Hoban overhears Will's grumbling and offers the pair a chance to participate in a business deal. Will jumps at the offer, and soon they are arrayed in fine clothing and appointed to the posts of president and secretary of the Scandia Copper Company, while two attractive vamps make them forget their own sweethearts. All goes well until a raid by the United States Secret Service discloses that the Scandia Corporation is a bogus company that has been defrauding people through the mails. The erstwhile plumbers are arrested and injured in a fight while escaping, and then land in the hospital. Finally matters are cleared up; they are reunited with their sweethearts and promise to forget high society.

Film Details

Release Date
Sep 27, 1920
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.
Distribution Company
Universal Film Mfg Co.; New Star Series
United States

