The Infernal Meal


Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca


Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Selig Polyscope Co.


Selig summary: A gentleman having entered a room in order to partake of a matutinal repast seats himself before a table, but no sooner has he done so than to his horror he finds the table bewitched. As soon as he has found the soup tureen, he sees a spirit spring out of it, fall down and disappear through the floor. Our diner now attempts to cut the contents of the dish, but cuts the table instead, which then falls to pieces. No sooner, however, are the pieces put together again than it takes itself to the other side of the room, while the table cloth falls to the ground. At last the table jumps upon his back, and is evidently not satisfied until it has summarily ejected the unfortunate diner through the doorway. As soon as he is outside the table, now properly served and laid out, at once assumes its accustomed position. The mystifying spirit now re-appears, leaps into the soup tureen, and finally disappears in a cloud of smoke.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Selig Polyscope Co.

