Parade of Floats, St. Louis Exposition


Brief Synopsis

Kleine summary: A splendid picture showing a parade of decorated floats, representing various nations on the Grand Lagoon at the St. Louis Exposition--the Cascades, Festival Hall and its picturesque surroundings in the background. This picture is remarkably fine photographically, and of unu...

Cast & Crew

A. E. Weed


Film Details

Release Date
Aug 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States


Kleine summary: A splendid picture showing a parade of decorated floats, representing various nations on the Grand Lagoon at the St. Louis Exposition--the Cascades, Festival Hall and its picturesque surroundings in the background. This picture is remarkably fine photographically, and of unusual interest, inasmuch as the floats come very near to the camera and a very fair view of the occupants is given. Is very sharp and clear.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.; Kleine Optical Co.
United States

