The Great Baltimore Fire


Cast & Crew

A. E. Weed


Film Details

Release Date
Feb 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
United States


Biograph summary: This is an exceedingly lively subject, and one likely to appeal to audiences in all parts of the country. It opens with a spectacular view of the New York city contingent on a dead gallop through the skyscraper district of lower Broadway on the way to the Pennsylvania Ferry. The scene then transfers to Baltimore, where a number of views of the great conflagration are shown. Among them is one showing the ruins covered with mountains of ice, and another shows a fire engine crushed by the falling walls. A close view of the firemen working in a perilous place amidst the smoke and flames on a roof makes a startling finish to this magnificent film.

Film Details

Release Date
Feb 1904
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
Distribution Company
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co.
United States




Per BPL, comprised of 178 feet of original footage preceeded by footage from Run of N. Y. Fire Department [#2357], The Fire at Tarrant & Co.'s Drug Store [#1696], and Stable on Fire [#88]; total length: 369 feet.