The Gambler's Crime


Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca


Film Details

Release Date
May 16, 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Edison summary: The interior of a saloon is first shown. A man enters and after taking a drink, is introduced to some card players. He joins the game. Scene changes to a street with a gambling house in the background. As the victim seems to be a "good thing" in the game mentioned above, the gamblers lay in wait for him. He comes; is induced to go to the gambling house; submits, and is next seen entering the card room. He sits at one of the tables and plays a few hands. He loses all he has. The usurer appears and lends him money on his note. He still loses. After getting rid of all, he jumps madly from the table, and tossing the cards in the air, leaves the place. Scene now changes to the usurer's office. The gambler enters. The usurer goes to his desk to get the note and the gambler refuses to pay, saying he knew nothing of having given a note to him. At this, the usurer goes to his desk to get the note and show it. The gambler, now seeing his chance to rid himself of the old money lender, picks up a knife from the table, and stepping up behind the old man, plunges it into him. He then scatters the papers all over the room in an attempt to find the note, but fails, and before leaving, stabs the old fellow again. Next scene shows the murderer at home with his wife and child. Judging from the expressions on their faces, his wife is endeavoring to persuade him to give up his bad habits. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, which is answered by the child. The police arrive and arrest the murderer. A very pathetic scene is here shown as the gambler parts with his little girl. Next the courtroom is seen. The judge and jury are seated in their places, and the prisoner is brought before them. His wife and child appear, and he endeavors to reach them but is held back, and they are induced to leave the room. The case proceeds; the prisoner is found guilty, and the death sentence imposed. Here he falls in a faint. Next scene shows the murderer in his prison cell. He is dreaming. A vision of his sick wife and child appears to him. He rises, gasps, and falls exhausted to the floor. Next is shown the death chamber. The rope is placed around the prisoner's neck, the trap sprung and a wretched life is ended. This film depicts a very strong moral.

Film Details

Release Date
May 16, 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

