Disagreeable Railroad Passengers


Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca


Film Details

Release Date
Feb 14, 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Edison summary: Old gentleman stretches himself on the long seat of a French railway car, after placing numerous bundles in the rack above him, and also in the rack over the seat in the opposite side of the compartment. Train stops at next station and lady enters with her pet dog. Having bundles of her own which she wishes to place in the rack over her seat, she takes down the old man's bundles and places them on him and his seat. She then begins to fondle the dog. Old man gets angry, takes his large pipe and begins to smoke. Lady objects and after an argument snatches the pipe from the man and throws it out the window. The man reciprocates by throwing the dog out. Lady enraged, tugs vigorously at the bell rope. Train stops and scene changes to outside. Behold the dog sitting on his haunches with the pipe in his mouth, much to the surprise of the old gentleman and lady, and also the audience.
       Lubin summary: A man is comfortably seated in a compartment coach such as is used on the railroads of Europe, when a lady appears accompanied by a dog. She proceeds to make herself comfortable, ignoring the man's presence. Finally he pulls out a large meerschaum pipe and, lighting it, lays back to enjoy it to his heart's content. The lady objects, but all to no purpose. Our hero continues to smoke. Suddenly the lady seizes the pipe and hurls it from the window, when the man seizes the dog and throws him after the pipe. Both engage in a wordy warfare when the train stops and they alight only to find the dog waiting outside with the pipe in his mouth. The lady, overjoyed to have her dog returned, presents the man with his pipe and they part apparently on good terms. Very funny.

Film Details

Release Date
Feb 14, 1903
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.; Kleine Optical Co.; Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

