Washing Gold on 20 Above Hunker, Klondike


Cast & Crew

Robert K. Bonine


Film Details

Release Date
May 4, 1901
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
United States


Edison summary: This picture shows the miners washing out gold by what is known as the sluice box method. Here we see the miners shovelling from both sides the soil containing the gold into the sluice boxes, where the water, rushing at a rapid rate, carries away the dirt and stones, leaving the precious metal, which settles to the bottom of the box, to be recovered in the clean up at the end of the day's work. This is a very good subject, full of action and detail.

Film Details

Release Date
May 4, 1901
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
United States

