Packers on the Trail


Cast & Crew

Robert K. Bonine


Film Details

Release Date
May 1901
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
United States


Edison summary: A snow covered slope with narrow trail is seen in the foreground of this picture. In the distance, some figures are seen approaching. As they draw nearer we recognize a dog team and sledge loaded with supplies, and followed by miners loaded with tools and materials, trudging their way over the well run trail into the heart of the Klondike. This picture gives the observer some idea of the hardships of the miners in the Alaskan Gold Field.

Film Details

Release Date
May 1901
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
Distribution Company
Edison Mfg. Co.
United States

