General Miles and Staff


Cast & Crew

General Nelson A. Miles

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1898
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
S. Lubin
United States


Lubin summary: It is not always our privilege to see the commander-in-chief of the land forces of our country, and this film will thus be doubly welcomed by the admirers of Gen. Miles, of national repute. His noble, and soldierly bearing, together with his forethought and kindness to his men, has endeared him to the people of his country, and has made for him a name that will live long after him. His reception during the Jubilee, with his staff, was all that he could wish for. This film is a most excellent one.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1898
Premiere Information
not available
Distribution Company
S. Lubin
United States

