Jeffries-Sharkey Contest
Film Details
Biograph summary: This is the greatest and longest moving picture film ever made, covering as it does the entire period of the 25 rounds and intermissions of this bruising contest for the championship of the world between the champion Jim Jeffries and Tom Sharkey. It was taken by artificial light, thousands of dollars having been spent upon the electrical equipment and arrangements. This film may be ordered by rounds of 200 feet in any lengths desired. The introductory ceremonials take up 600 feet and the scenes after the fight 25 feet. It is magnificent photographically throughout, the fighters being clear and sharp in every movement, and the crowd is shown to a considerable distance on each side of the ring.
Film Details
Also sold by individual rounds, 200 feet each. BPC & BPL cite production length as "7 miles," or approximately 37,000 feet.