The Moon-Lover


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: After having indulged a little too freely in champagne, a gentleman returns home. The moon laughingly accompanies him. Going up the steps to his apartments, he encounters a gentleman coming down, and a funny meeting ensues. Having reached his room, he lays upon the couch. He ...

Cast & Crew

Gaston Velle


Film Details

Release Date
May 13, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Lubin summary: After having indulged a little too freely in champagne, a gentleman returns home. The moon laughingly accompanies him. Going up the steps to his apartments, he encounters a gentleman coming down, and a funny meeting ensues. Having reached his room, he lays upon the couch. He dreams he is going up to the roof to make a trip to the moon. Being very windy, he takes hold of the chimney, and is carried skywards by a raging storm. At a rapid rate he is flying towards the moon. The moon, bewildered over such audacity, opens his mouth wide in astonishment. In goes the moon's lover. The moon, however, is not very much delighted with his visitor and throws him out. Down goes the lover of the moon through the starry sky. The dreamer suddenly falls from the couch and awakes. But he still sees the laughing moon upon the face of the grandfather's clock, whereupon the moon lover takes an empty champagne bottle and throws it at the laughing face, but instead of hitting the moon, he smashes the clock. A film full of clever and laughable scenes, sure to make a hit.

Film Details

Release Date
May 13, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

