Modern Brigandage


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: A highwayman, stopping an automobile, with his revolver makes the party give up their jewels and money, and, after emptying their gasoline tank, mounts his motorcycle and leaves his victims on the road. Another automobilist who passes is informed of the robbery, and the same ...

Cast & Crew

Ferdinand Zecca (?)


Film Details

Release Date
Aug 19, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Lubin summary: A highwayman, stopping an automobile, with his revolver makes the party give up their jewels and money, and, after emptying their gasoline tank, mounts his motorcycle and leaves his victims on the road. Another automobilist who passes is informed of the robbery, and the same a mounted police, and at once they start in pursuit of the fugitive. They surprise him at an inn, but he overpowers the gendarme and escapes. Suddenly his wheel gives out and he has to hide in the bushes. The followers arrive and while they look for him he jumps on the automobile and forces the chauffeur to speed away. A second gendarme, who is equipped with a portable telephone, informs the police force of the next village, and when the fugitive sees a rope across the road he jumps from the automobile and manages to cross the nearby river. But, being attacked by several policemen, he has to fight for his life, being finally captured and carried away to jail.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 19, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

