Christian Martyrs


Brief Synopsis

Lubin summary: This film consists of four different pictures. Christian Martyrs. --Slaves are seen cleaning up the arena from debris of a carriage race. This done, an imposing parade of warriors, gladiators, soldiers and slaves enters the arena, and, approaching before the throne of...

Cast & Crew

Lucien Nonguet


Film Details

Release Date
Jun 24, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin


Lubin summary: This film consists of four different pictures. Christian Martyrs. --Slaves are seen cleaning up the arena from debris of a carriage race. This done, an imposing parade of warriors, gladiators, soldiers and slaves enters the arena, and, approaching before the throne of the dictator, the gladiators salute Nero with the words, "Ave Caesar morituri te salutant." Another group of soldiers leading Christian captives before the throne are ordered to bind the victims to the post, and the multitude is waiting to see the lions and tigers devour them. We see a big lion jump at the helpless Christians and tear them to pieces, while the gladiators are ready to encourage the lions in their cruel work. Ancient Gladiator. --The picture shows us a strong gladiator engaged in a fight with a lion. Very often the beast kills the brave man, but in our picture we see the man getting the best of the lion. Daniel in the Lions' Den. --The story of the prophet is too well known to be repeated. We witness the scene where Daniel is bound to a post by Cyrus' soldiers. The lions, instead of devouring the prophet, lie down quietly and even lick his hands. Cyrus, who from the outside has been watching the scene, is so surprised that he orders Daniel to leave the den, and, slowly and unmolested, the prophet walks out of the den of lions. Belthazar's Festival. --Belthazar, the king of Babylon, and all his court are seen enjoying themselves with wine and food. After having indulged all day and night men and women fall asleep. The king awakes, and, to his horror, sees the unknown hand write the famous words: "Mane, Thecel, Phares." He falls back asleep, but soon after the walls of Babylon are taken by Cyrus and his brave Persians. Belthazar and his entire court are slain by the conquerors, who demolish the castle and plunder the burning city.

Film Details

Release Date
Jun 24, 1905
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Pathé Frères
Distribution Company
Pathé Frères; S. Lubin

