The Adventures of Busty Brown
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Busty Brown, one of the country's foremost detectives, comes to San Francisco to take the case of a Chinese client whose daughter has been kidnaped by a crime syndicate. Limey, the British racketeer who heads the syndicate, holds the girl hostage in his nightclub overlooking the Pacific. He warns her father that she will be killed unless he cooperates with the syndicate in the matter of some imports from Hong Kong. Busty's client refuses to be intimidated, and Limey switches his approach. He threatens to make the girl appear nude in the nightclub show and afterwards to submit her to other indignities. Busty poses as a chorus girl and gets into the show by going to bed with the producer. She rescues her client's daughter and pushes Limey, locked in the trunk of his car, off a cliff.

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Also known as Busty Brown, Dusty Brown, Lusty Busty Brown, and The Adventures of Rusty Brown.