Hunting in Siberia

60m 1962

Brief Synopsis

Yegorov, a young hunter who has recently completed his studies, is captivated by the romance of tiger hunting. As he embarks on work in the field, he errs through lack of patience and experience. Assigned to help capture a tiger for a zoo, he becomes frightened and shoots his quarry. As time goes on...

Film Details

Also Known As
Release Date
Jan 1962
Premiere Information
New York opening: 30 Jun 1962
Production Company
Moscow Popular Science Studio
Distribution Company
Artkino Pictures
Soviet Union

Technical Specs



Yegorov, a young hunter who has recently completed his studies, is captivated by the romance of tiger hunting. As he embarks on work in the field, he errs through lack of patience and experience. Assigned to help capture a tiger for a zoo, he becomes frightened and shoots his quarry. As time goes on Yegorov gains experience in the wilderness and becomes familiar with the habits of the native wildlife. In the Siberian taiga, in Kazakhstan, and in the Tien Shan of Central Asia, he joins expert trappers in capturing saiga, pelicans, eagles, porcupines, and other wild animals. Yegorov becomes an experienced animal collector and at last is able to capture a tiger alive. [U. S. release version may include only Siberian footage.]

Film Details

Also Known As
Release Date
Jan 1962
Premiere Information
New York opening: 30 Jun 1962
Production Company
Moscow Popular Science Studio
Distribution Company
Artkino Pictures
Soviet Union

Technical Specs





Released in the U.S.S.R. in June 1959 as Zverolovy; running time: 82 min.