Love Hunger

1h 12m 1965

Brief Synopsis

After robbing a bank and killing a guard, three bandits take refuge in the shack of Pablo, an old trapper. The gang includes Robert, a gambler who despises his fellow thieves; Mex, a convicted rapist; and Joe. During an evening walk in the swamp, Robert espies a nude woman swimming. When he dives in...

Film Details

Also Known As
La flor del irupé
Release Date
Jan 1965
Premiere Information
Chicago opening: 18 Aug 1965
Distribution Company
Cambist Films

Technical Specs

1h 12m


After robbing a bank and killing a guard, three bandits take refuge in the shack of Pablo, an old trapper. The gang includes Robert, a gambler who despises his fellow thieves; Mex, a convicted rapist; and Joe. During an evening walk in the swamp, Robert espies a nude woman swimming. When he dives in the water, however, she vanishes. Inspired by his guests' complaints about sexual frustration, Pablo relates the legend of "The Naked Flower," according to which the only daughter of an aristocratic family was assaulted by a crazed gardener. Years later the woman marries a cavalry officer. As the couple make love outdoors the morning after their wedding, they are observed by the gardener, who has escaped from the asylum in which he has been confined. Infuriated, he kills the groom and rapes the bride. The distraught wife jumps in the swamp, but returns on moonlit nights in search of her husband. While strolling through the swamp again, Robert meets Mara, the sheltered daughter of a jealous father, and promptly has intercourse with her. When Mex attempts to steal the trio's loot, Joe shoots him to death. He then kills Mara's father and attempts to rape her. He is, however, interrupted by Robert and shot and killed by Pablo. Freed of all former ties, Robert and Mara plan a future together.

Film Details

Also Known As
La flor del irupé
Release Date
Jan 1965
Premiere Information
Chicago opening: 18 Aug 1965
Distribution Company
Cambist Films

Technical Specs

1h 12m




Released in Argentina in 1964 as La flor del irupé.