Paris Ooh-La-La!
Cast & Crew
José Bénazéraf
Dick Randall
Jessica Rubicon
Poupée La Rose
Dodo From Hamburg
The Heros
Film Details
Technical Specs
Sam Smith, a cigar-smoking American businessman, arrives in Paris for a 24-hour visit and immediately runs into difficulties as he seeks fun and romance. He is approached by an attractive sidewalk beatnik, but discovers that she is a hawker for the Herald Tribune. Unable to find a date in his hotel lobby, he attends a bikini beauty contest; mistaken for a judge, he is thrown into the pool for ungentlemanly behavior. He goes to see the striptease at the Crazy Horse Saloon and in the dark places his arm around the woman sitting next to him; she remains impassive through the show and then gets up to leave with her husband. The businessman's imagination runs wild: as he dictates a letter, his stenographer's clothes seem to disappear. Attempting to strike up a conversation with three young women at a restaurant, he discovers that they are lesbians. He rescues a woman from drowning in the Seine, but she rushes to rejoin the man who inspired her suicide attempt. Thoroughly discouraged, Mr. Smith gets drunk, makes a nuisance of himself at a nightclub, and returns to his hotel, where a beautiful young woman from Peoria, Illinois, mistakes him for a Frenchman and follows him into his room to make love.
José Bénazéraf
Dick Randall
Jessica Rubicon
Poupée La Rose
Dodo From Hamburg
The Heros
Roberto Talamo
Pamela Holhouse
Claudine Hogleenel
Stephanie Underdorn
Cosette Blanche
Ballet Of The Folies Pigalle
Chantal Delor
Monique Sivers
Jane Jonason
Béatrice De L'etang
Nancy Holloway
Film Details
Technical Specs
Filmed in Paris; locations include The Crazy Horse Saloon, Le Sexy Club, and the Folies Pigalle. Opened in Paris in October 1964 as 24 heures d'un Américain à Paris; French title changed to Paris Erotika; running time: 74 min; May have been cut from 90 min. French sources do not indicate U. S. involvement in production; one French source lists production company as Films du Chesne.