The War of the Zombies

1h 25m 1965

Film Details

Also Known As
Roma contro Roma
Release Date
Mar 1965
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Distribution Company
American International Pictures

Technical Specs

1h 25m


The centurion Gaius is sent to Armenia to investigate the disappearance of some treasure bound for Rome. He discovers that Aderbal, a powerful magician, has the treasure and has promised part of it to the local Roman official, Lutetius, in return for his help in bringing off a local revolt. In addition, Aderbal has under his power Lutetius' wife, Tullia, and her slave, Rhama, with whom Gaius falls in love. In following Rhama to the magician's cave, Gaius is captured by Aderbal, who plots with Tullia to frame him for the murder of her husband. Gaius, freed from Aderbal, avoids arrest and learns that Aderbal is assembling an army composed in part of Roman soldiers transformed by Aderbal's magic idol into invulnerable zombies. Gaius is arrested before he can stop Aderbal, and everyone ignores his warnings about the magician's plans for world conquest. Finally, a faithful soldier frees Gaius, who destroys the magic idol and with it Aderbal and his zombie army.

Film Details

Also Known As
Roma contro Roma
Release Date
Mar 1965
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Distribution Company
American International Pictures

Technical Specs

1h 25m




Released in Italy in 1963 as Roma contro Roma. Also reviewed at 95 and 105 min.