Cast & Crew
Burt Topper
Terry Telli
Les Baxter
Salvatore Billitteri
Salvatore Billitteri
Fred Feitshans
Film Details
Technical Specs
Bizarre customs, rites, and ceremonies practiced throughout the world include the torture of both animals and humans, love cult rituals, Japanese women succumbing to men who are wearing devil masks, a Caesarian operation, men and women immersing themselves in vats of multicolored paints, the pagan worship of reptiles, ancient fertility rites, and scenes of Oriental girls being prepared for marriage by being shown sexually stimulating symbols. A brief sequence contains footage of Nazi concentration camps showing thousands of victims of Nazi atrocities.
Film Details
Technical Specs
Withdrawn from distribution in November 1967 and altered to eliminate some footage; distribution began again on December 15, 1967.