The Footsteps of Capt. Kidd
Film Details

Scenes from an expedition headed by Dr. Edward A. Salisbury to Central and South America include views of the coffee industry at different stages from the planting of beans to shipment; jungle animals, insects, butterflies, birds and the capturing of animals; the balata tree, ants, anteaters, termite nests; nombre de Dios, wild animals, spotted rabbits, wild hogs, capturing crocodiles in Colombia; San Blas Indian boys diving for coins; an Indian village; Indians racing; the San Blas sugar mill; Indians weaving hammocks and making mahogany canoes; and a canoe race.

Film Details

This was the third of three films of sixteen reels total copyrighted by Grand Feature Film Co. of Dr. Edward A. Salisbury's expedition to Central and South America. For information concerning the expedition and the films, see entry for the first part On the Spanish Main (below). The second part was entitled Pirate Haunts (see below). This film was also called In the Foot Steps of Capt. Kidd.