Jungles Calling


Brief Synopsis

[Although the exact content of this lecture film has not been determined, it is believed to resemble that of the film I Married Adventure (see below).]...

Cast & Crew

Osa Johnson


Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1938
Premiere Information
New York showing: 1 Apr 1938
Production Company
Osa Johnson, Inc.
United States


[Although the exact content of this lecture film has not been determined, it is believed to resemble that of the film I Married Adventure (see below).]

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1938
Premiere Information
New York showing: 1 Apr 1938
Production Company
Osa Johnson, Inc.
United States




This film was produced by noted adventurer Osa Johnson as a tribute to her husband, Martin Johnson, who died on January 13, 1937. The film, which featured footage taken from nine of the Johnsons' earlier films, including the 1930 film Across the World with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Baboona and Borneo, was used as a lecture film by Osa, who provided the narration for the film in its showings around the country. An April 1938 New York Times article called the picture a "film cavalcade covering the twenty-seven years she [Osa] and Mr. Johnson spent in the South Sea Islands, in Borneo and Africa, including thousands of feet of new film never shown before." The New York Times article also noted that footage was taken from nine of Martin's favorite films that he and Osa made. According to a biography on the Johnsons, Jungles Calling provided the basis for Osa's best-selling book I Married Adventure and the subsequent commercial film of the same name, both released in 1940. I Married Adventure (see below) was released by Columbia Pictures Corp. For more information on the Johnsons and their films, see catalog entry above for Congorilla.