A Shot in the Night


Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1923
Premiere Information
New York State license: 24 Mar 1923
Distribution Company
State Rights
United States


"The story tells of a man called 'The Masked Terror' a professional criminal and leader of a gang who kills a financier and steals $500,000. A little boy playing detective finds the gang's den and hides there. He is discovered, tied in a bag and about to be flung into a pond, when he is rescued by the district attorney. The murdered financier's daughter is then abducted by the gang. She is gagged, maltreated, then bound and tied to the railroad tracks. She is rescued by the district attorney who catches 'The Masked Terror' and the gang by smoking them out with poisoned gas." (NYSA records.)

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1923
Premiere Information
New York State license: 24 Mar 1923
Distribution Company
State Rights
United States




Local New York State distribution was handled by American Colored Film Exchange.