Dos noches
Cast & Crew
Carlos F. Borcosque
José Crespo
Conchita Montenegro
Romualdo Tirado
Antonio Cumellas
Carlos Villarías
Film Details
Technical Specs

[The following plot summary is based on the English-language version of this film, Revenge at Monte Carlo ; character names refer to that version.] Following President Alarcon's ouster from rule in the mythical republic of Luvania, a group of aristocrats plot in Monte Carlo for Alarcon's return and sign a manifesto pedging their fortunes to that cause. After Francisco Hernandez's father and brother are arrested as conspirators, secret intelligence chief Mendez offers Hernandez the chance to save their lives if he secures the manifesto in Monte Carlo. Reluctantly, Hernandez agrees and meets the conspirators at the Hotel Moderne in Monte Carlo, where he is given the manifesto after he explains that his brother is ill. As Hernandez hands it to Mendez outside the hotel, international crook Boris Krinsky grabs it and takes off in his fast car, planning to sell it for ten million dollars. Krinsky becomes smitten with Parisian ballet dancer Landra and goes to her dressing room, where he is turned away by her maid. Alba, Krinsky's former captain in the Luvanian Foreign Legion, whom Krinsky has hated for many years, also courts Landra, but he is also turned away that night. When Krinsky and his pal, Spike Maguire, a New York gang member, return to the hotel, they find Mendez searching for the papers, and Krinsky says he has secreted them in a vault. Landra, who loathes Krinsky, invites him to her room for a midnight supper. She reveals that Alba told her about the manifesto and proposes that they become partners in selling it, as she can set up a meeting at her castle near the Italian border with representatives of the conspirators. Aware that Krinsky has spoiled past deals because of his involvement with women, Spike wires a group of French Apaches, led by Gaston, to protect Krinsky. After seeing Hernandez and his men at a casino, Krinsky and Landra leave in their American roadster which soon outdistances their pursuers. As Krinsky hands Landra the manifesto to protect in her purse, they miss the turnoff to her castle, and when they skid while turning around, Hernandez and his men are able to capture them and the document. Landra's anger is mollified when Krinsky reveals that the papers Hernandez took were forged and that the real manifesto is still hidden. At the castle, Alba and his followers interrupt Krinsky and Landra's pursuance of romance and take Krinsky to the torture chamber in the dungeon. Alba, who was the cause of the scars on Krinsky's back while they were in the Legion, whips him again, until Spike and Gaston arrive and capture Alba and the others. Krinsky, who has learned that Landra's uncle and brother are part of the conspiracy to restore Alarcon to power, auctions the manifesto, which Mendez buys for two-and-one-half million dollars. Mendez discovers, however, when he opens the envelope, that Krinsky, to help Landra, has burned the incriminating signatures.

Carlos F. Borcosque
José Crespo

Conchita Montenegro
Romualdo Tirado
Antonio Cumellas
Carlos Villarías
Juan Martínez Plá
Paul Ellis
Enrique Acosta

Martín Garralaga
Lita Santos
Manuel Noriega
Fernando G. Toledo

Film Details
Technical Specs

This was a Spanish-language version of Revenge at Monte Carlo, which was directed by Breezy Eason and starred June Collyer and José Crespo. The incomplete print viewed contained no credits. The working titles of the Spanish version were Venganza en Monte Carlo and La república no peligra. When shown in Santiago, Chile, this film was entitled Amante y traidora.