Tres amores
Cast & Crew
Aubrey Scotto
José Crespo
Anita Campillo
Mona Maris
Mimi Aguglia
Paul Ellis
Film Details
Technical Specs
[The following plot summary is based on the English-language version of this film, Bachelor Mother ; character names refer to that version.] When Joe Bigelow, a rich youth with companions of questionable character, is arrested for reckless driving, his lawyer and supposed friend pleads to the judge on behalf of Joe's "poor old mother" not to send him to jail. As Joe has no living mother, the lawyer convinces him to obtain one at an old ladies' home. He finds a kindly spinster, Cynthia Wilson, who is happy that Joe wants to "adopt" her as a mother. Joe is not sent to jail, and soon he develops a real fondness for Cynthia, while becoming romantically involved with Mary Somerset, the young woman in charge of the old ladies' home. When the lawyer and his girl friend, Lola Butler, scheme to get Joe's money by claiming that Joe and Lola got engaged, Cynthia, to save Joe from marrying Lola, confesses to the judge that she is not really Joe's mother, and he is sent to jail for thirty days. After Joe is paroled, he refuses to marry Lola. She pulls a gun on him, but during their altercation, Cynthia shoots Lola. In court, both Cynthia and Joe attempt to sacrifice themselves for the other; however, Cynthia is acquitted and Joe is reunited with Mary.
Aubrey Scotto
José Crespo
Anita Campillo
Mona Maris
Mimi Aguglia
Paul Ellis
Andrés De Segurola
Carlos Villarías
Soledad Jiménez
María Borello
Paco Moreno
Ralph Navarro
Enrique Acosta
Carlos Montalbán
Juan Duval
Movita Castañeda
Jesús Topete
Alma Real
Rosa Rey
Ramón Muñoz
Emilia Leovalli
Tina Menard
Film Details
Technical Specs
This is a Spanish-language version of the 1933 film Bachelor Mother, which was directed by Charles Hutchison and starred Evalyn Knapp and James Murray. The working titles of the Spanish-language version were La madre adoptiva and Feliz accidente. The running time was calculated from footage given in NYSA records. The Spanish version, unlike the English-languge version which was distributed on a states rights basis, was distributed by Universal Pictures Corp. It is possible that Julia Bejarano and Filomena Liñán were in the Spanish version, but their participation has not been confirmed.