Kings of the Ring
Cast & Crew
Nat Fleischer
Nat Fleischer
Martin J. Lewis
Jack Rieger
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This documentary features newsreel footage showing entire rounds and outstanding moments from the following boxing matches: Jack Johnson-Stanley Ketchel, 1909; Jess Willard-Jack Dempsey; Georges Carpentier-Dempsey, 1921; Luis Firpo-Bill Brennan, 1923; Firpo-Dempsey, 1923; Carpentier-Jack Tunney, 1924; Dempsey-Tunney, 1926; Jim Maloney-Jack Sharkey, 1927; Dempsey-Tunney (rematch), 1927; Max Schmeling-Sharkey, 1930; Primo Carnera-Ernie Schaaf, 1933 (Carnera knocked out Schaaf, who died without regaining consciousness), Max Baer-Joe Louis, 1935; Louis-Schmeling, 1936; Benny Leonard-Barney Ross, 1937; Henry Armstrong-Lou Ambers, 1939; Louis-Tony Galento, 1939; Billy Conn-Melio Bettino, 1939; Max Baer-Galento, 1940; and Louis-Arturo Godoy, 1940. Also seen is footage from the Conn-Lou Nova, Tommy Burns-Bill Squires and Leonard-Lou Tendler fights. Included are glimpses of fighters in their dressing rooms, an album of poses by old-time champions James J. Corbett, John L. Sullivan and Jim Jeffries, among others, and newsreel footage for film and radio comedian Lou Costello interviewing Max Baer after a fight.

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Nat Fleischer, the narrator, was the editor of Ring Magazine.