Goin' Down the Road
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Donald Shebib
Doug Mcgrath
Paul Bradley
Jayne Eastwood
Nicole Morin
Pierre Laroche
Film Details
Technical Specs

Joey and Peter, two young men from an impoverished section of Nova Scotia, travel to Toronto in search of a better life. After spending one night at the Salvation Army, they find a seedy apartment, and Joey takes a job in a bottling factory. Peter is more ambitious and seeks a job making television commercials. He is unsuccessful, however, and finally accepts a job in Joey's factory, where they spend much of their time discussing the physical attributes of Nicole, a voluptuous secretary. One night they meet waitresses Betty and Celina, but Peter is unenthusiastic about either. When Betty becomes pregnant, Joey agrees to marry her, and they move to a nicer apartment. Soon afterwards, Joey and Peter are laid off their jobs, and the three of them are forced to move to a poorer section. In dire financial straits because Betty can no longer work, Peter and Joey steal groceries from a store and assault the clerk. Upon returning home, they find all of their belongings piled in the street outside of the apartment. Joey is anxious to find Betty, but Peter persuades him to forget her so that they can continue their search for a better life in the city.

Donald Shebib
Doug Mcgrath
Paul Bradley
Jayne Eastwood
Nicole Morin
Pierre Laroche
Cayle Chernin
Ted Sugar
Don Steinhouse
Ron Martin

Sheila White
Dennis Bishop
Max Jones
Jack Zimmerman
Mary Black
Ivor Jackson
Ralph Stroh
Stan Ross
Stuart Marwick
Canadian Film Development Corp.
Bruce Cockburn
Clarke Da Prato
Film Opticals
Bennet Fode
William Fruet
William Fruet
Richard Leiterman
James Mccarthy
Phoenix Films
Donald Shebib
Donald Shebib
Donald Shebib

Film Details
Technical Specs

Opened in Toronto in July 1970; running time: 86 min. Filmed in 16mm.