The Final Curtain


Film Details

Also Known As
Our Lady of Laughter
Release Date
Feb 2, 1916
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
George Kleine
Distribution Company
Kleine-Edison Features
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
5,018ft (5 reels)


When wool magnate John Lord goes to the theater, he falls in love with the leading lady, Ruth Darrell, and arranges a meeting. He and Ruth begin a romance, and soon get married. Later, however, John is more interested in business affairs than in affairs of the heart, and so Ruth, feeling neglected, leaves him. Just after his marriage goes bad, John's business starts to collapse, as his competitors conspire to ruin him. Ruth, who became a telephone operator after leaving John, hears about the plot through her switchboard and sends John an anonymous letter of warning. Because of it, he is finally able to salvage his fortune. Then, finding out that the tip had come from Ruth, he goes to her to ask her forgiveness, and she agrees to return to him.

Film Details

Also Known As
Our Lady of Laughter
Release Date
Feb 2, 1916
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
George Kleine
Distribution Company
Kleine-Edison Features
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
5,018ft (5 reels)




The working title of this film was Our Lady of Laughter. "Crimmins and Gore," who play the Marvelous Sylvesters were vaudeville, film and stage performers Daniel "Dan" Crimmins and his wife, Rosa Gore. This film was re-issued by Photo Products Export Co. in 1920.