Sitting Bull--The Hostile Sioux Indian Chief
Brief Synopsis
Film Details
Technical Specs

Settler Frank Randall and his family leave their home in the Black Hills of Montana in a covered wagon. They are attacked by Chief Crazy Horse and a band of Indians, but escape with the aid of Caribou, an Indian Scout. Six years later, the family is again besieged by Indians but are aided by Lieutenant Scott who is engaged to young Ruth Randall. After a tragic turn of events, many of the family members are killed and their cabin, only a few miles from the site of Sitting Bull's camp, is destroyed. Only Ruth and her younger sister Bess survive when they are rescued by Scott.

Film Details
Technical Specs

No additional information about the production or release date of this film is known. Evidence indicates that the flim May have been released in 1914. Certain elements of the plot, particularly the involvement of Sitting Bull's daughter Wanda, are obscured due to a deterioration of the plot synopsis in the copyright files. The American Rotograph Co. was located in Syracuse, NY.