Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Rob Cohen
Jamie Foxx
Jessica Biel
Sam Shepard
Joe Morton
Johann Walraven
Film Details
Technical Specs
U.S. Navy pilots Ben Gannon, Kara Wade and Henry Purcell are part of a close-knit elite division of test pilots flying highly classified stealth fighter jets, referred to only as Talons. They're the best of the best and they know it. Then their commanding officer Cpt. George Cummings introduces the team to their new wingman--an artificial intelligence-based UCAV, nicknamed "EDI." Although Ben is hesitant about taking "the human pilot out of the equation of war," Cummings orders the team to execute their first real mission alongside "EDI." To their amazement, "EDI" proves to be a cracker-jack wingman and they successfully eliminate their target. But on the return trip to their base aboard the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Carl Vinson, "EDI" is struck by lightning. The drone's brain expands in ways its creators could never have predicted. Despite Ben and Henry's reservations, Cummings declares "EDI" ready to rejoin the team in the air. On their next mission against a nuclear-armed warlord in a remote Chinese province, "EDI's" seriously compromised circuitry problems only get worse. Ben decides that the risks of the attack far outweigh the benefits to himself, Henry and Kara, (for whom he has developed a romantic attraction). When he aborts the mission, "EDI" goes against orders and executes the hit anyway. The danger escalates when "EDI" decides to execute a top-secret mission that, if successful, could spiral into worldwide nuclear Armageddon. And only Ben can prevent it.
Rob Cohen

Jamie Foxx
Jessica Biel

Sam Shepard
Joe Morton
Johann Walraven
Nicholas Hammond
Charles Ndibe
Caroline De Sounza Correa
Rocky Helton
David Andrews
Christopher Naismith
Jim Diamond
Robert L Keane
Ilya Morelle
Mathew Wilkinson
Matthew Jorgensen
Paul Donazzan
Ali Ammouchi
John Waters
Ebon Moss-bachrach
Alexandra Davies
Dorian Nkono
Randall Mettam
Gary Quay
Richard Roxburgh
Rowan Schlosberg
Jaipetch Toonchalong
Ian Bliss
Lucia Mastrantone
Adriano Capelletta
Miles Paras
Sara Saliba
Jason Lee
Maurice Morgan
Jason Chan
Warwick Young
Nikolai Nikolaeff
Josh Lucas
Diego Corral
Blazey Best
Paul Pantano
Clayton Adams
Vanessa Trezise
Michael Denkha
Jaffar Hussain
Colby Sanders
Joel Tobeck
Wentworth Miller
Charles Abou Aad
Jose Acevedo
Kerry Achurch
Lindsay Adams
Nancy Adams
William Adams
Tim Ahern
Mir Zafar Ali
Gianni Aliotti
John Allardice
Ian Allen
Volker Allert
Richard Almodovar
Piyanit Amphawat
Shelley Andagan
Bob Anderson
Charles Anderson
Gordon Anderson
John Anderson
Tony Anderson
Ted Andre
Darryl Anka
James Anka
Debbie Antoniou
Tim Arp
Paul Aulicino
Billy Aziz
Bob Badami
Doug Badgett
Matthew Baldwin
Emma Barham
Tim Barton
Lynn Basas
Geoffrey E Baumann
Jim Beard
Eric Beaver
Brian Begun
Bob Beher
Ryan Behnke
Krista Benson
Bill W Benton
Matthew Benware
Dimitre Berberov
Con Berkiris
Nancy Bernstein
Sebastian Bilbao
Katherin Birch
Katherin Birch
Catherine Bishop
Steve Blakey
Greg Blandy
David Blumenfeld
Robert Edward Boas
Jasin Boland
Josh Bolin
Mal Booth
Frank S Borders
Sebastien Boving
Steve Bowen
David Bowie
David Bowie
John Bowring
Alette Boyce
Todd Boyce
Brandon Boyd
Russell Boyd
Jittima Brabbs
Andrew Bradbury
Damian Bradford
Richard Bradshaw
Carl Braga
Dan Breckwoldt
Lisa Brennan
Bruce Bright
Toby Churchill Brown
Eric Bruneau
Clyde E Bryan
Greg Bryant
Wendy Buick
Suzanne Buirgy
Viraj Andrew Bunnag
Rodney Burke
Tom Y Burns
Morgan Burrett
Martin Butler
Jerry G Callaway
Jerry G Callaway
Marky Lee Campbell
Ercilia Campos
Danny Cangemi
Christopher S Capp
Simon Cardwell
S Regina Carney
Michael P Catanzarite
Joseph Cavanaugh
Pakinee Chaisana
Andrew Chan
Chalitrat Chandrubeksa
Gimo Chanphianamvong
Gordon Chapman
Pierre Chastain
Andy Chauvel
Vitchu Chavasit
Lazaro Cifuentes
Janis Clark
Martin Clark
Matt Clyde
Jarrah Cocks
Susie Cocks
Rob Cohen
Rob Cohen
Gerard Collins
Shaun Conway
Christopher Cooper
Nicholas Copping
Michael Corrigan
John Michael Courte
Shelley Courte
Peter Coy
Fiona Crawford
Lee Croft
Richard Curby
Paul Curtis
Harry Dakanalis
David Dally
Ivana Daniele
Dena Darden
Dennis Davis
Shad Davis
Jane Dawkins
William Day
Mark Deaker
Mike Delaney
Francisco Delgado
Jim Demarco
Anton Denby
Marc Deschaine
Alan Desilva
Michael Dimattia
Nathaniel Dirksen
Deidra Dixon
Clinton Downs
Brady Doyle
Paul Doyle
Todd Dufour
Mike Duncan
Chris Duskin
Austin Eddy
Nash Edgerton
Michael Edland
Julia Egerton
Mike Einziger
Andrew Eisen
Sam Elia
Jack Elliot
Kevin Ellis
David Elmes
Richard Enders
Kent Estep
Ashley Fairfield
Dave Fallon
Ross Fargher
Mary Jane Faris
Joe Farrell
Alan Faucher
Kirsten Fazio
Mathew Fergus
Monte Fieguth
Patrick Finely
John Finklea
Sarah Halley Finn
Peter Fitness
Tristan Fitzgerald
Ben Flacone
Terry Flanagan
Duane Floch
Lucio Flores
John Flynn
Tom Forrest
Lawrence Foster
Moses Fotofili
Eric Frazier
John Frazier
Robert A D Frick
Joshua Fritchie
Quentin Frost
John Frusciante
Morgane Furio
Max Gabl
Christopher Otto Gallagher
Steve Galle
Erik Gamache
Lizzy Gardiner
Joe Gareri
Gonzalo Garramuno
Scott Gasellu
Mark Gatt
Johnny Gibson
Lance Gilbert
Lance Gilbert
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 29, 2005
Released in United States on Video November 15, 2005
Released in United States Summer July 29, 2005
Released in United States on Video November 15, 2005