The Fifth Reaction

1h 46m 2003

Brief Synopsis

Having recently lost her husband in a car accident, Fereshteh faces an imminent crisis. She married for love, her husband having defied his wealthy and autocratic father, Hadj Agha Safta, to marry her. In time his father forgave his son his defiance but not Fereshteh for marrying him. Now she is at

Film Details

Also Known As
Fifth Reaction
MPAA Rating
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 46m


Having recently lost her husband in a car accident, Fereshteh faces an imminent crisis. She married for love, her husband having defied his wealthy and autocratic father, Hadj Agha Safta, to marry her. In time his father forgave his son his defiance but not Fereshteh for marrying him. Now she is at the mercy of a stubborn man who intends to take her two sons away from her, restricting her to a weekly visit; he wants to forbid her to live in his household because he still has two unmarried sons living under his roof and sees this as a source of certain and unseemly gossip. Fereshteh protests so strongly that he relents--provided she marry one of her brothers-in-law for the sake of propriety. This proposal pushes Fereshteh over the edge and, with the help of her friends, she plots to escape the country with her children.

Film Details

Also Known As
Fifth Reaction
MPAA Rating
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 46m



Miscellaneous Notes

Limited Release in United States August 29, 2003

Released in United States on Video November 22, 2005

Released in United States Summer August 29, 2003

Limited Release in United States August 29, 2003

Released in United States Summer August 29, 2003

Released in United States on Video November 22, 2005