Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
George Lucas
Ewan Mcgregor
Natalie Portman
Hayden Christensen
Samuel L. Jackson
Christopher Lee
Film Details
Technical Specs
The galaxy is weary after three long years of war. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have become legendary heroes in their campaigns against the droid forces of the evil General Grievous. Anakin and his secret wife, Padme Amidala, have been separated for months, and he finally reunites with her to learn that she is pregnant. He is plagued by visions of her dying in childbirth, haunting images of a possible future. Anakin is determined to stop her from dying--no matter the cost. This leads Anakin down a dark path to commit terrible deeds. Obi-Wan Kenobi must face his former apprentice in a ferocious lightsaber duel on the fiery world of Mustafar.

George Lucas
Ewan Mcgregor

Natalie Portman
Hayden Christensen

Samuel L. Jackson

Christopher Lee
Ahmed Best
Genevieve O'reilly
Rohan Nichol

Frank Oz
Matthew Rowan
Bruce Spence
Graeme Blundell
Christopher Kirby
Ian Mcdiarmid
Keira Wingate
Warren Owens
Coinneach Alexander
Jimmy Smits
Oliver Ford Davies
Marty Wetherill
Julian Khazzouh
Claudia Karvan
Axel Dench
Silas Carson
Sandy Thompson
Katie Lucas
Trisha Noble
Bodie Taylor
Bonnie Piesse
Temuera Morrison
David Stiff

Kenny Baker
Keisha Castle-hughes
Orli Shoshan
Kee Chan
Amy Allen
Robert Cope
Peter Mayhew
Anthony Daniels
Dave Bowers
Matthew Wood
Steven Foy
Kristy Wright
Sandy Finlay
Nalini Krishan
Hayley Mooy
Michael Kingma
Tux Akindoyeni
Mary Oyaya
Mousy Mccallum
Jett Lucas
Kenji Oates
Rena Owen
Jeremy Bulloch

James Earl Jones
Rebecca Jackson Mendoza
Wayne Pygram
Jay Laga'aia
Joel Edgerton
James Rowland
Amanda Lucas
Matt Sloan
Mimi Daraphet
Liz Abbot
Mimi Abers
Lauren Abrams
Ismail Acar
Kerry Achurch
David Acord
Roswitha Adldinger
Alia Agha
Sean Ahern
George Aleco-sima
Bradley Alexander
Phil Allchin
Joseph Allen
Charles Alleneck
Zvika Aloni
Mark Alston
Andrew Anderson
Kristen Anderson
Mark Anderson
Sprague Anderson
Ian Andrewartha
Debbie Antoniou
Steve Aplin
Mark Appleby
Hideki Arichi
Brad Armstrong
Brad Armstrong
Joakim Arnesson
Lori Arnold
Joel Aron
Carl Assmus
Okan Ataman
Trang Bach
Al Bailey
Charles Bailey
Matthew Baldwin
Richard Baldwin
Jason Ballantine
Michael Balog
Leigh Barbier
Brian Barlettani
Ken Barley
Robert Barnes
Chris Barnett
Ken Barnett
Kevin Barnhill
William Barr
Christopher Barron
Roger Barton
Mark Battaglene
Carol Bauman
Jane Bay
Brett Beacham
Philip Beadsmoore
Graham Beatty
Jean-paul Beaulieu
Amel Becharnia
Joel Behrens
Ramiro Belgardt
Bryan Bell
Stuart Bell
Tov Belling
Tim Belsher
Abdel Aziz Ben Mlouka
Abdel Aziz Ben Mlouka
Jeffrey Benedict
Hugh Bengs
Colin Benoit
Scott Benza
Jon Berg
Nick Bernyk
Simon Bethune
Ken Beyer
Ian Bickerton
Don Bies
Patricia Biggar
Colette Birrell
Kumiko Black
Matthew Blackwell
Michael Blanchard
Genevieve Blewitt
Richard Bluff
Gavin Bocquet
Stella Bogh
Nick Bogle
Jean Bolte
Aron Bonar
Anton Boniface
Scott Bonnenfant
Rob Bonstin
Teera Boonsri
Stephanie Borean
Richard Boue
Bob Bowles
Nerissa Box
Natalie Bracher
Giles Bradbury
Steve Braggs
Timothy Brakensiek
Sam Breach
Patrick Brennan
Sarah Brest
Jeff Brewer
Scott Brewer
John Gerald Briggs
Maria Brill
Paul Brincat
Jill Brooks
Phil Brotherton
Geoff Brown
Jason Brown
Justin Brown
Katherine Brown
Michelle Brown
Tripp Brown
Matt Brumit
Dhyana Brummel
Mark Buck
Andy Buecker
Tim Burby
Stewart Burchall
Sonny Burdis
Rodney Burke
Bert Burless
Brad Burnet
Alex Burt
Lizzie Burt
Ben Burtt
Ben Burtt
Josh Bush
Dorian Bustamante
Michael Byrne
Ian Bywater
Belinda Cahill
Michaela Calanchini-carter
Colin Campbell
Paul Campbell
Marshall Candland
Brian Cantwell
Mario Capellari
Derrick Carlin
Eric Carney
Sandra Carrington
Scott Carroll
Tic Carroll
Cathrine Carroll-davids
Katie Carter
Tamala Carter
Christine Castellano
Sonia Cauhepe
Guido Cerasuolo
Andrew Chan
Stephen Chan
Lawrence Chandler
Joshua Chapel
Andy Chauvel
Leila Chesloff
Peter Chesloff
Simon Cheung
Vanessa Cheung
Lydia Choy
Pamela J. Choy
Ian Christie
Marc Chu
Katie Church
Ryan Church
Paul Churchill
Chris Cleary
Richard Clot
Robert Clot
Thomas Cloutier
Matt Clyde
Charlie Cobb
Grady Cofer
Joey Coghlin
Joey Coghlin
Zachary Cole
Rob Coleman
Gerard Collins
Jonathen Collins
Rod Conder
Brian Connor
Matt Connors
Pat Conran
Michael Conte
Caitlin Content
Graeme Cook
Graeme Cook
Jeremy Cook
Matthew Cook
Ben Cooke
Nicholas Copping
Aidan Corcoran
Michael Cordova
Ben Corless
Edward Cotton
John Countryman
Steve Court
Martin Coven
Ivo Coveney
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Makeup
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of two 2005 Satellite Awards including Best Visual Effects and Best Sound by the International Press Academy (IPA).
Released in United States on Video November 1, 2005
Released in United States Spring May 19, 2005
Gary Oldman was previously attached to perform the voice of General Grievous but backed out because the film is a non-SAG production and he refused to break the Screen Actors Guild regulation known as Global Rule One, which ensures that SAG members retain the protections of SAG contract provisions wherever they work.
The prequel trilogy are set in a time period prior to that of the original three Star Wars films: "Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope" (USA/1977), "Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back" (USA/1980) and "Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi" (USA/1983).
Third installment of the prequel trilogy, which includes "Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace" (USA/1999) and "Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones" (USA/2002) both directed by George Lucas.
Released in United States Spring May 19, 2005
Released in United States on Video November 1, 2005