White Dream

1h 30m 2002

Brief Synopsis

Mentally disabled Reza works for a wedding dressmaker, doing deliveries. For the most part happy with his world, Reza's only need is for someone to share his days with. When a high-class beauty begins frequenting the shop, Reza falls in love, all the time neglecting the affections of the shy girl wh

Film Details

Also Known As
Khaab-e Sephid
MPAA Rating
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 30m


Mentally disabled Reza works for a wedding dressmaker, doing deliveries. For the most part happy with his world, Reza's only need is for someone to share his days with. When a high-class beauty begins frequenting the shop, Reza falls in love, all the time neglecting the affections of the shy girl who works with him.

Film Details

Also Known As
Khaab-e Sephid
MPAA Rating
Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 30m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States February 2002

Released in United States on Video October 25, 2005

Released in United States Spring April 11, 2003

Shown at Fajr International Film Festival February 1-11, 2002.

Released in United States February 2002 (Shown at Fajr International Film Festival February 1-11, 2002.)

Released in United States Spring April 11, 2003

Released in United States on Video October 25, 2005